My Hero Academia: Izuku ½ Chapter 2

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Hello everyone to the second chapter of My Hero Academia: Izuku 1/2. With me again is my friend and coauthor, Tkdboy2000.

Tkdboy: Hello again!

So, I have a guest start joining us today.

Tkdboy: Really? Who've you got?

Who, else~ Izuku Midoriya~ (In walked in Izuku, but in her female counterpart)

Izumi: "Please, call me Izumi when I'm in this form~ It's nice to be here~"

Tkdboy: ... Hello, Izumi.

Izumi: "Hello~"

I got a comment on Fanfiction from bens6757 about another weakness for Izumi's Quirk, that I feel like I should add.

Izumi: "Really, what is it?"

Tkdboy: Hm. I'm intrigued. What've you got?

Make it so Izuku/Izumi switching themselves takes no energy, but they have to keep both forms nourished while switching, other is only temporary and the longer they stay switched the more exhausted he gets.

Izumi: (Thinks about it) "Huh, sounds reasonable. It would take a lot of energy depending on what I'm doing in each form."

Tkdboy: ... Why not just have it take energy to switch, and more to change someone else's?

Because it would be easy for them to switch, expending so much energy due to it being their body.

Tkdboy: ... Okay? It's still one body. Changing forms doesn't explain where the nutrients from one form go when changing to the other. Conservation of mass and matter and all that.

Hey, I was just giving the idea though.

Izumi: "Uh aren't we running a little long here?"

Tkdboy: Oh right. My bad.

Quirks are weird at times, so yeah, let's just get on with the story. Izumi, will you?

Izumi: "Right Light He'art/Xarazechi and Tkdboy2000 do not own My Hero Academia, or any references to other shows. Just their OC and plot changes."

Tkdboy: Right.

On to the story.


Chapter 2: Origins of the 1/2 Hero

(Ten Years later)

Ten years had passed sense Izuku gain his Quirk. In that time, he's learned what he can do with it, and worked to better it. He also desided that when he was a girl, he'd be call Izumi. He also took different Martial Arts for both of his genders and different sports to incress his energy. He also had different cloths to wear if he felt like being ether gender. He was even asked by people to use it to help them change their gender to the ones they though they should have been, even helped a hero of a famous hero group with it. Today, "he" was a "she" and was wearing the female uniform of her school, heading there. She also met up with some of her friends. They were on their way to school.

"Come on guys~" Izumi called out to the three, running happily ahead. "Hurry~!"

"Coming, Izumi, but can you please slow down!?" Bachi called out to her. She was flying after Izumi... but her stinger was slowing her down.

"Her, slow down?" Hansuke asked, riding a hoverboad he created. "Girl, you don't know her at all then. Right Soshi?"

Soshi... wasn't there.

My Hero Academia: Izuku ½Where stories live. Discover now