how we MET

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It was when we're in middle school 3rd year. I was 15 years old. My parents died in a car accident and my big bro Ren took me in (a/n:just to make things clear shen's dad and ren's are brothers)
He introduced me to Ken when we're just 5 years old.
This one day I went to school and then I met my bully he kicked me and beat me up.
Bullies /name:Hey I heard that you're parents died ha!!
Shen:don't talk bout my parents!!
B/n:whatever dude!!
Then he beat me up. I stayed in the same place then someone came and helped me. It was MDB my leader. After he got me in the infirmary I started a conversation
Shen:thankyou so much
MDB:it's alright
Shen:I'm Shen zhi Huang
MDB:call me MDB. Would you like to be my friend?
Shen:yes!! I would love to!!
I said in excitement.
Then he told me to meet him after school. I said ok

The next day I saw him and went towards him we became friends then I introduced Ken to MDB they became friends. MDB told us that he'll make a group called CGang
MDB:would you two like to join?
MDB:ok then. Let's do this I'll asked the principal if I could form a Club you know I'll tell him that it's a music band but it's not we'll pretend that it's a club at school but when school's over you'll come over to my house and we'll practice stuff ok? And we have to get more members Whaddya think? Do you two know how to play any instruments? I can play the guitar
Shen:me too
Ken :me three
MDB:ok then deal

We made a deal. He asked the principal for permission to make a club and he did it!!
We practice playing a few instruments when we're in the club.
While I was practicing MDB asked me
MDB:Shen did your parents allow you to join this club?
Shen:my-my p-parents are not here anymore.
MDB:I'm sorry
Shen:it's alright they died in an accident(sobs)
MDB:it's alright I'm here Ken and I are your family I'll introduced you to my cousins and sisters okay?
Then someone came
Kris:excuse me is this the music club? I would like to join
MDB: Yes it is and I'm the president
MDB:do you really wanna join?
Kris:yes why?
MDB:okay then write your name in this book and meet me after school.

Lunch break
Ken, MDB and I went to eat then we saw a guy getting bullied We helped him. His name is suga
Suga:thanks so much
MDB:it's alright. Would you like to join a gang group?
Suga:gang group?
Shen:yes it's a music band too it's called CGang
Suga:gang? Hmm okay!! Leader teach me how to fight so I could beat up my bully.
Shen:MDB's the leader
MDB:ok now let's go. Wait where that Kris guy.
Kris:I'm (pants) here sorry for (pants) being late.
MDB:it's alright let's go now
We went to MDB's house
We entered inside then this girl came.
May:why are you late bro?
MDB:I'm sorry I've brought some friends.
May:oh hi nice to meet you I'm May MDB's cousin.
All:hi nice to meet you too
Shen:I'm Shen Zhi Huang
Ken:Ken Wu
Kris:Kris Wu
Kinyoo:I'm Kinyoo MDB's cousin. I'm in middle school 2nd year as well as May.
Shen:oh we're 3rd years
May:oh are you guys the music band?
MDB:yes we are BTW it's just a cover we're Gangsters called CGang.
Naoka:Gangsters? MDB you shouldn't be a gangster. BTW I'm Naoka May's big sister and MDB's and Kinyoo's cousin.
These kids here are Rise and MBJ.
Rise:nice to meet you
MBJ:me too I'm MBJ she's Rise
All:nice to meet you too
MDB:Okok now we're done with the introduction so guys let's go

(A/N:MBJ is 11 and Rise 10 that means they're in elementary)

We went to practice fighting and stuff. After we finished we started practicing music and stuff.
Then Naoka chan treated us food . We sit for a while and went back home

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