Chapter 2: What...?

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"Roses are red, my face is too. That only happens, because of you."

•Third POV•

The blonde haired boy quickly unlocks the door into his own rented apartment, as he walks in, and make sure that he locks the door back for his own safety.

He makes his way towards his room, and put down his backpack lazily, as he plop his own body onto his bed. Feeling tired from his classes. He begin to close his eyes, suddenly remember about the events that was happening to him earlier.

"That Alpha was surely is attractive." He says in his head, as he blushes. The Omega sigh, and proceeds into the bathroom. Wanting to take a nice shower, and continue to cook himself for dinner.

Once he is done cooking his chicken stew for dinner, he puts the dish into a plate for him to eat, as he suddenly stops, and grabs his university fees, and sighing once again.

He needs money. Well, of course, he wants to search for a work for him to do for the upcoming summer holidays, so that he doesn't get bored. He has a friend named Taehyung. But of course, Tae is already informed him that he and Hoseok will join their boyfriend, Yoongi, on a trip to Daegu. And, here he is. He will be alone in a summer holidays. Sure, he was thinking about going back to Busan, but he thinks he will just going back to his hometown at the end of the holidays. And about that money problems, it's not a big deal for him, actually. He's not that poor that you guys thought he was.

He is about to sit down on his dining chair and wanting to enjoys his dinner for the night. When suddenly, his phone is ringing, calling his attention. He grabs his phone, which has an unknown number on his phone screen, as he picks up the call, and being greeted by a sweet dominant voice.

"Hello? Is this Park Jimin on the phone?" The man questions. The blonde haired boy is sure that he heard that voice somewhere.

"Y-yes. It's Park Jimin, speaking."

"Okay. Well, I am Jeon Jungkook. My friend said that you gave him your number because you were looking for a job for the summer holidays?"

"Oh, yeah. That's me." He chuckles.

"Are you going to take me for the job?"

"Do you want to be my servant?" The man asks. Straight to the point.

"Y-your servant?"

"Yes, Jimin ssi. Like, taking care of my house by doing the chores, since I have a lot of things to do... I'll pay you a lot."

Jimin bite his lips, as he nods.

"Okay. I'll take the job."

"Good. How about meet me tomorrow at my house at...9a.m.? We'll discuss about this, and what you should do."

"Okay. Is there anything else that I need to bring with me?"

Jungkook remains silent for a second, as he continues to talk to Jimin.

"... Bring me your HIV test result. I want to see it by tomorrow."

"Wait. Did I heard that right? Why does he needs me to bring himself my HIV test result?" He says to himself. Feeling a little bit confused. But nevertheless, he doesn't questions his future boss any further, as he agrees.


Jungkook smiles from hearing the sound of an agreement from Jimin, as he speaks.

"I guess I'll be seeing you around by tomorrow morning, then. I'll be waiting for you."

"Okay. Goodbye, umm...Mr..Jeon?"

Jungkook chuckles. Making Jimin's cheeks reddened, even though he can't see him, nor knowing what Mr Jeon looks like in person. But he was being very sure, that he heard this voice from earlier. "Isn't he that kind good looking Alpha from earlier?" Jimin asks himself.

"Sure, Jimin ssi. You can call me that if you want."

And then suddenly, Jimin hears the sound of a crying baby in the background, as he freeze.

"Is this guy already married?" He once again asks himself. Don't get him wrong. It wasn't as if Jimin wants to flirt with the Alpha. He was just wondering. But then, his thoughts are breaking by the sound of Jungkook's honey voice, sounding a little panick.

"Looks like I have to go now, Jimin ssi. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Mr Jeon."

And with that, Jimin hang up the phone, as he sighs.

"It looks like I'll be busy for the rest of the holidays." He thinks, as he proceeds to continue, and eating his delicious dinner all alone by himself.

•To be continued•
Jikook is being bold again ಥ‿ಥ

                  •To be continued•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Jikook is being bold again ಥ‿ಥ

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Jungkook was looking at Jimin's lips! Right? Am I right?😂😂 Thank you for reading and voting for my story! I really appreciate it 😊💗💗

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Jungkook was looking at Jimin's lips! Right? Am I right?😂😂 Thank you for reading and voting for my story! I really appreciate it 😊💗💗

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