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Clay never really had the patience for packing. The years spent sat in front of a screen had instilled in him that using his hands for anything other than coding and dominating in Minecraft was, simply put, a waste of time. In his mind, his time was better spent sorting through his digital inventory rather than sorting through his laundry.

Truthfully, had packing not been something that he absolutely had to do, Clay would have wandered off back to his computer chair by now. Letting the empty promise of finishing the task later being enough to justify his questionable priorities. But, unfortunately for Clay, packing in preparation for moving didn't provide the option of throwing around empty promises and giving into procrastination.

Fortunately enough, however, since a large majority of Clay's life was digital, his workload for physical items that need packing was relatively small. Looking around his room, he had already gotten about 3 boxes packed and ready -- which was equivalent to just about half of what all needed to be packed. For a short moment, Clay could feel his exhaustion slip away he thought about where the boxes would end up within a few days time. It all felt so surreal; after jokingly talking about the idea for what felt like years, he was finally making the move to live with his best friend.

A tinge of genuine excitement fluttered through the blonde boys' chest as he remembered the serious tone Sapnap had on as he brought it up in the middle of one of their Discord calls. The small wheeze he let out upon hearing the statement, fully assuming it was one of the many times that they would joke about the concept. The shock after retorting that they would end up killing each other, to which Sapnap quickly shut down -- fully wanting to reiterate the fact that this time was serious. Jokes aside, after realizing Sapnap was serious, Clay genuinely considered it to be a good idea.

Regardless of the fact that technically their careers and channels were separate, the pair both considered the other to be their business partners of sorts. Even if they weren't doing videos together, they made it a point to involve one another every step of the way in the growth and development of their empire. Constantly encouraging and helping each other. It was something that Clay had always taken to heart, hence why he was so willing to drop his life in Florida to peruse new horizons. In fact, for days since the initial agreement, the move was all Clay and Sapnap were capable of talking about.

Just about every hour, one of them would call the other to ramble about it all, sometimes to even just discuss small irrelevant progress updates just to be able to hear the other's voice. The return of excitement urged Clay to message Sapnap about his achievements, he could practically taste Texas from how close to finishing packing he was.

Carefully, he tucked away the last pieces of clothing into the box, taping it shut and placing it on the stack of boxes that were crowding his doorway. Letting out a small sigh of relief, he slid his hands into his hoodie pocket, quickly snatching his phone and unlocking it. Like clockwork, Clay's thumbs flew right to the Discord app. Of course, his DMS with Sapnap was already open.

Dream Today at 11:36 P.M.
I'm literally so close to being done packing

Clay sat waiting, usually Sapnap was quick to reply, especially within the past few days -- he was practically glued to his phone. Clay tried again.

Dream Today at 11:40 P.M.
I can't believe this is really happening

Once again Clay was left waiting, he knew there was absolutely no way that the Texan had gone to sleep already. This doubt was confirmed as he went to check Sapnap's profile, seeing that he was indeed awake and playing Minecraft. Clay couldn't help but scowl slightly in annoyance, he hated the awkwardness of an unread message. Trying to shake it away, he quickly toggled from their DMS to the private gaining server that they and the rest of their friend group typically used to talk and game together.

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