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To say that Clay was pissed would be an understatement.

Heat radiated off his body as the blood underneath his skin boiled. Any sound around him turned to muffled background noise as the pressure from holding back the scream he desperately wanted to let out built. Time was at a standstill, Clay staring down at George dumbfounded; George staring back smugly. He clenched his fists hard, feeling his fingernails dig into his palms- wanting to see if it hurt, signifying that this was real and not a dream. In response, he felt the sting of nails digging into flesh followed by a huge wave of realization washing over him; drowning him.

Questions flew around his head. Why is he here?

In front of him, he watched as George's lips twitched into a small knowing smile, completely wiping the prior smugness off his face. He blinked slowly, his eyes were sickeningly dark almost resembling a black hole; Clay feeling consumed by them.

"I live here," George said, clearly responding to the question Clay didn't even know he had said out loud. You're lying. He had to be lying.

"I'm not." another slow, antagonizing blink. Clay could feel the embarrassment growing, he kept thinking out loud. Tearing his black eyes off Clay, he peered over his shoulder; throwing his hand lazily to point at the door that came before Clays. "That's my room, right next to yours.", you could almost hear the smile in his voice, obviously finding the whole predicament humorous. Knowing there was no reason to keep beating around the bush, Clay let the shock roll off his body and replace itself fully with hot anger.

"There's no way you live here.", watching George's neck snap back in Clay's direction.

Again, his black eyes burnt holes in Clay's green one; even though Clay was physically taller than the brit, still felt so small by George's gaze. A small giggle slipped past the smaller boys lips, "And why is that?"

"Because I live here."

"Dream," his brows furrowing in patronizing amusement, "you do now more than one person can live in a house. It's called being roommates."

Clay rolled his eyes hard. "No shit, but Sapnap never told me that you would be living here. Meaning you have to be visiting or something." He studied George's expression, waiting to see the moment his face would drop as he realized that he had been called out on his bluff, but that never came. Instead, he watched as George tilted his head slightly, looking almost shocked at what Clay had said - the smile, however, not leaving his face.

"That's weird. He told me about you living here," he muttered with a shrug, turning slowly on his heels as he started walking to the door he motioned to earlier. Clay followed close behind him, not ready to end the conversation. The door was only a few steps away, Clay stared at the nape of Georges as stopped in front of his door - hand hovering over the knob.

A small click sounded as George let his hand turn slowly on the knob, jerking his head to look at Clay; his tongue darting over his rosy lips. He was very obviously teasing the blonde.

Finally, the door was pushed open and Clay quickly tore his attention from George to the inside of the room. Immediately he recognized the blue and grey bedding that neatly dressed the queen-sized bed on where it was on the right side of the room. Although the pair were never friends and Clay never personally watched George's streams, the thousands of screencaps that littered Twitter had made him familiar with random belongings of Goerges. The only thing even more obvious was the Youtube various play buttons that were lined up on the wall, proudly displaying the user 'GeorgeNotFound'.

George didn't even turn to look at Clay again, back turned to him as he walked to his office chair; the monitors illuminating the desk slightly. One monitor displaying Georges Minecraft character standing idly in some random biome and the other on discord.

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