-|7|- Memories

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so there's gonna be a mention of sh, I don't wanna trigger anyone or cause any relapses so this is a warning and there will be a warning when the part happens, okay now enjoy :)

Y/n's POV

"Y/n it's time for training" I hear fade say, I get up from his bed and head downstairs to meet up with chaos

"So for training I need to see your ability.. so you'll be fighting Sorana, another agent" chaos says, Sorana.. she sounds familiar

As we make our way to the training area a girl with black hair runs up to us and pulls me to mats, I put my long hair up into a ponytail and quickly braid it

"Ready.. fight!" Chaos yells

Sorana attacks for my feet but I practically do a backhand spring backwards kicking her in the chin as I do so. She growls and starts to sprint at me, I can tell she's going to fake a punch one way and hit the other so I immediately duck down and run under her arm

I feel a wave of dizziness hit and I fall down, a blurred image of a man replaces where fade is

"Y/n!" I hear fade yell, I close my eyes trying to make the dizziness go away but the image just stays there, fades voice slowly becomes deeper and British?

"Ophelia love?" That same British voice says

"Stop.." I mumble, I feel a sharp pain throughout my hand and I scream

"Mommy!" A little voice says, a small girl with black hair runs up to me and hugs me

Who is this.. why can't I remember!

"Your her mom now" that same British voice says

He's still blurry.. his hands are gold I can see that

"Someone call Remedy!" Chaos yells

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine" the male voice sings

"Stop!" I scream out, the memories overwhelming me

"Y/n.. please try to remember me.."

"Y/n! It's Tina! I believe in you! Just try to remember us!"

"Hey Y/n, it's Josie, Midas isn't doing so good.. please try to remember us"

"Y/n? It's skye!"





"Y/n! Are you okay?!" Fade says shaking me

"huh.." I say slowly opening my eyes

Three weeks later

Tina's POV

"Midas? Midas open the damn door!" I yell, Midas isn't doing good at all, he's fallen back into depression and who knows what could be happening

I kick the handle of his door in an attempt to break it, which to my surprise it breaks right off

I run into his room and immediately towards the bathroom


I find Midas with slits covering both his arms, blood dripping down from each slit

"Midas.." I mumble, he looks up to meet my gaze and he just looks back down at his wrists

"Midas put the knife down please.." I say quietly, I start to slowly move closer to him

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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