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Author's POV

Making way to their class through the hallway around lockers, toilets, and cafeteria.

"Do you wanna me to show you around?" Richie asked y/n.

"No...it's okay" she answered not because she didn't want to but because the teacher shows her the whole school already.

"Oh come on..all girls in the school wanted me to show them around," Richie said.


"Yeah really-"

"No not really" Answered Stan with a smirk.

"Ohh so Trashmouth is a liar" y/n crossed her arm, giving him a playful glare.

"No, no no no I- just I- ahh" Richie stutter and nervously scratch back of his neck as y/n and Stan start laughing.

"I'm Stanley btw...this is Bill" he pointed at the boy who seems like flirting with Bev. "This Ben" he pointed at the boy with more than five books in his hand. "This is Eddie" Stan pointed on the boy with a kidney bag. "And this Richie...but you know that already"

"Nice to meet you all...I'm y/n, Bev's cousin"

"Come on hot stuff we need to go" Richie called after y/n as he takes her hand and runs with her into the classroom.

"Wait no"

"Come on"

"Slow down Richie"

"We are almost there, hot stuff"

"Hot stuff ??" She breathes out as she was standing in the classroom alone with Rich. "I hate running" she informed the boy in front of her as she tries to catch her breath.

"Sorry" he chuckles, watching her red cheeks with her hand on her chest.

"So can you explain the 'hot stuff' thing"

"Do you me to call you other...maybe Angel baby, sweetheart, sweet cheeks, lovebug, Bambi" y/n laughing at his silliness. "Babydoll, honeybee, beauty, Mamacita, Mi Luna, Princesa-"

"new girl" yell Henry Bowers cutting off Richie. Y/n and Richie turned around facing him. Richie takes y/n's hand and pulls her behind him.

꧁333 words꧂

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