-Chapter 1-

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Dan's POV :

" Alright class, settle down!" Miss Ann yells. I sigh as I slump into my chair. This is so damn boring. I pull out my notebook and start to doodle. I'm in the middle of drawing my totoro when I hear Miss Ann yell at me. " Daniel! Pay attention. We have a new student". I look around and stop a guy with pale skin and black hair. No big deal, he seems like a-




I can't believe my eyes. It was the Amazingphil! The guy responsible for my countless smiles and fangirling sessions. Well, fanboying in my case. I suddenly feel very dizzy. " Oh shit" is the last thing I remember saying before I fall of my chair, hitting the ground hard.

" Where am I?" I ask to no one. To my shock, I receive an answer. " The nurse's office" says a familiar voice.


I quickly get up, ignoring the pounding in my head. I look over to my right and see Ian.

" oh, h-hi Ian" I mumble. Why would a popular guy like him talk to me? " you hit your head pretty hard there. Miss Ann made me carry you like a princess" Oh that's why he's here. " oh thanks for that" I say as I try to sit up on the bed I'm currently on.

We sit in awkward silence until he says " What happened to you dude?" I start to panic. Should I tell him the truth? Oh hell no "just lack of sleep, no need to worry". The lie rolls off my tongue with ease. It's not a complete lie though, my YouTube obsession has gotten WAY out of hand. I've been thinking of making YouTube videos for a while now but I've always chickened out at the last minute. I have a crappy little camera and everything.

After some more awkwardness ( nice one Dan), I decide to actually talk to Mr. cool guy Ian. " We should probably get back to class" I manage to stumble out.

Smooth like crunchy peanut butter.

" Naw man, we should probs just skip it. I mean, you seem like a cool ass guy so why not hang out? I'll even introduce you to Anthony." He says with a grin like the Chester Cat's.


Should I go? It would be my first chance to be popular! But... What about Phil? Oh who gives a crap. " Thanks for the offer but I'll join you next time. I have a bunch of work to do and if I don't finish it I'll get suspended" wow I lie like its nobody's business.


No! That's not what I wanted to say!! Before I could take back my answer, Ian responds with " Its ok man, no hard feelings." I try not to fall as I stand up. " Yeah so um... I'll see you later" I say as I make my way back to class.

Ok ok don't freak out Dan. It's only a silly little Youtuber... Yeah that's all.

I grab the door handle as I slowly open the door. I find Phil sitting next to me. Yeah he's just.. wait. PHILISSITTINGNEXTTOME!!!!! What is this, some kind of fanfic?!!

I try not to hyperventilate as I stumble to my seat. Looking anywhere but my new neighbor I realize how ironic it is that I sit next to a window.

Damn you anime.

A cough interrupts my thoughts. I slowly look to my left as I try not to stare.

"Hi, I'm Phil. What's your name?"

I stay silent for 4 seconds until I realize that I'm supposed to answer. " Oh h-hi I'm Dan, Dan Howell" Phil smiles at me and I feel like I just melted.

Ok I need to chill. Dan Chillower. Wow that didn't work at all. I sigh as I happily daydream for the rest of the class.

so this is my first fanfic
ya like?? I'll try to update it every week but I'm super lazy so
I will try for you
See ya

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