Chapter 1: Brothers

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A/N: Happy New Year everyone!

For those of you who didn't know, this is the rewrite of my other story "My Little Brother (Hidan)".

Hope this is better than the last one. At least, I've been more prepared for this one, with three chapters excluding this one already prewritten.

Hope you guys enjoy!


Hidan was by no means a good person.

He absolutely had no morals, cursed like there was no tomorrow, hated everyone he met, relished in his victims' pain and suffering, and was overall an unpleasant bastard. But if there was one thing that made him that tiny bit human, he did care for someone, which was as unexpected as it was true.

That one person was none other than his brat of a little brother, who he had raised himself as a young child after their bitch of a mother left them in the doorstep of Yuga's orphanage after learning about their father's death. He later saw her nearly half-naked and kissing another man in a dark alley right before he was approached by a High Priest of Jashin.

Hidan scowled at the memory as he made his way over to the tiny house hidden amongst the trees. He had absolutely no fucking idea why anyone thought it was a great idea to build a house this far out in the wilderness, but he wasn't complaining. He had told the assholes and the hot chick that came to recruit him to their secret band that he was merely going to get his scarce belongings before they went their fucking merry way.

Right. As if he needed anything but Jashin-sama's blessings.

Opening the door, he scanned the tiny room, his eyes narrowing when he didn't immediately find what he was looking for. However, when he looked up at one of the shelves pushed to one side, his eyes met white before a small form suddenly tackled him. He gave a grunt which immediately turned to an exasperated chuckle as his assailant raised his head, showing wide eyes that shone with mischief.

"You gotta stop doing that, Mitsuki." He half-heartedly chastised, giving his companion a genuine smile very unlike the manic grins he wore around other people.

The boy, now identified as Mitsuki, rolled his eyes before getting off him. Running his hand through his hair, which was white as opposed to Hidan's gray, he waited patiently for Hidan to stand up and turn back to face him. As soon as he did, Mitsuki gestured outside.

"What the hell happened? Didja nearly get caught by those guys?"

Hidan didn't know whether to be amused or disgruntled with the statement. In the end, he settled with a grin.

"Nah, not really. They just asked me some damned questions."

The younger of the two stared at him for a moment before pointedly looking down at the blood splotches all over his punctured shirt. He then gave his idiotic brother a look, wondering how he survived this long with just air on his shoulders.


Hidan proceeded to ignore the dry tone as he began rummaging around his weapons pouch. It must be around here somewhere.....

It had been just a fleeting thought, one of those what-if's shinobi are prone to thinking just after a battle. Thoughts that lowered their already low self-esteem and reminded them of the harshness of the world. What if I was just that tiny bit faster? What if I had used this jutsu instead of that? What if I had arrived in time?

Hidan never really had those thoughts. That was, until they got ambushed by some bounty hunters while Mitsuki was too distracted by the snow, never having seen it in person until that day, to sense them. Not that Hidan blamed him; he was still technically a civilian. It should have been Hidan who paid more attention to their surroundings.

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