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"Owowowowowow..." Hyuna clutches her stomach in pain, curling into a ball on the small couch.
"Puberty you a bitch for inventing this..." she whines out as the front door of her apartment opens and a tired Hiroko walks in.
"Hyuna, I'm home-" Hiroko stops in his tracks, gently laying down his bag as he enters the living room to a familiar scene and starts recalling a mental checklist.

His girlfriend whining in pain? Check. A box of chocolates he told her not to eat? Check. Three and more cups of ramen? Check. Tissues laying around? Check. A cheesy K drama playing that makes him inwardly cringe? Check.

"Ah, I see." Hiroko concludes from his checklist that Hyuna's monthly arrived earlier than expected, and he plops down next to her.
"Here." He says, handing her a peeled banana.
"What's this supposed to do?" She asks curiously as messy strands of hair fall in front of her flushed face.
"I dunno...there's something in the banana that's supposed to ease the pain down there" he states, doubting the fact he found on Wikipedia.
"But which banana though? There's different types of bananas."

The grey haired male dumbfoundedly stares at his girlfriend until realisation hits him.
"Honestly Hyuna?" He asks, rubbing his temple while chuckling
"It had to be said." she replies jokingly as she eats her fruit, tossing the peel on the table across from her as a wave of despair suddenly hits her.

"Damn it..." Hyuna suddenly mutters
"What's wrong?" Hiroko asks worriedly as Hyuna turns around to face him, her eyes brimming with tears as her bottom lip trembles.
"Hngh, why must my hormones do this to me?" Hyuna whines as her boyfriend playfully pulls her into a hug while she softly sobs into his shoulder.


After a solid twenty minutes of wetting the shoulder of her boyfriend's shirt, Hyuna finally settles down. Her cramps, surprisingly, no more and her hormones paid.

She now peacefully sleeps against her boyfriend's chest, her fingers brushing through his long hair every now and then, lulling him to a slight slumber.

"Drama queen..." Hiroko whispers, placing a kiss on the (e/c) eyed girl's forehead before sinking into a deep sleep.

A/N: First story and fluff I've published and rereading this is making me cry at my terrible writing. Also it's Hella short T-T

But I digress, I hope y'all liked it. Please, do comment on what I could improve

Also, who here doesn't really get cramps? I've never really had them bad :p

Anyways, chow. Don't forget to comment and if you wish, vote <3

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