Christmas Present

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It's Christmas soon!
Christmas time, the time of-
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle-

"Boring..." Riku turns off the TV and tosses the remote onto the sofa as he gets off the soft pillows.
"I'm hungry..." He yawns out while stretching, looking out the window of his small apartment as a view of green and red lights envelope some houses along with carefully decorated trees.

"I wonder if there's still ramen left." He thinks out aloud as he walks over to the kitchen and opens up a cupboard, only to be greeted with complete emptiness and his growling stomach.
"Dammit." He mumbles as he hangs his head and walks to his room, unplugging his phone to check his social media platforms.

Christmas with bae!!! Xoxo😘😘😘

Gonna open presents soon with fam!😝 So excited y'all

With bae and her fam. Can't wait to surprise her with the ring! 😁😆

Christmas time with the gang😌

Riku exhales loudly, rolling onto his back as he tosses his phone somewhere onto his bed, or the floor.
"I hate Christmas." He sighs out before getting up to grab his coat and wallet.


"You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why,
Santa Claus is coming to town"

Cringe, Riku thinks to himself as he passes a few brightly decorated stores and a warmly dressed couple sitting on a bench, sharing a warm cup of hot chocolate and feeding each other marshmallows.
PDA much, he thinks bitterly as his heart aches for someone special.
Damn you Riku, stop thinking these-


Riku stops in his tracks as he finally hears his name and turns around to face the person.

"Riku! Wait up."

A (h/c) haired girl dashes his way holding a brown bag while trying her best not to fall from exhaustion.

The girl stops in front of the confused male as she sucks in deep breaths.
"I called you ten times y'know," she sucks in another breath, "do you have wax in your ears or what?"
Riku dumbfoundedly stares at the girl in response.
"Aren't you supposed to be with your family?" He asks
"There was a problem with the plane I was gonna take"

Mei hands him the brown bag who, again, receives a quizzical expression.
"It's a Christmas gift dummy, I said I'd get you one."
"Oh...I forgot about that." he states as he takes out the brown tissue paper from the bag.
"Obviously, you always forget."

Riku looks up and grins until he looks at the gift in the bag, his jaw nearly hits the snowy ground.
"Mei are you insane?! An iPad Pro. That's expensive!" He whisper shouts, hoping no one could hear the panic in his voice.
"So what if it's expensive? Your my friend, and I want to spend money on you." She says earnestly, "besides, you did say you needed one"
"I never said need!"
"Well do you want it or not?"

Riku nearly replies yes, but takes a moment to recall the times he so badly 'needed' a new tablet for digital art as his old one was giving up the ghost.
"I thought so." Mei replies cheerfully, "now c'mon, I'm hungry and by the sound of your stomach." She points to his stomach, "so are you"
And Mei starts dragging Riku, who starts objecting the offer by saying he's perfectly alright.


"Over there!" Mei dashes to a food stall along with Riku nearly falling.
"What do you want?" She asks, pointing to the menu.
"Mei please, I said I'm alri-"
"Okie," Mei quickly cuts him off and turns around to greet the elderly lady behind the counter.
"Hi there! Two medium cups of hot saké, two medium Yakitori sticks and two small boxes of Wagashi please."
"Of course, coming right up." The elderly woman replies, grinning widely as her crescent eyes disappear in her wrinkles.
"Mei, please." Riku whines softly, "I'm alright."
"Riku please, it's Christmas and you have no one to celebrate it except me. So let me treat yoh." And she takes her order, handing over the saké and food to Riku.
"I hate your smart brain sometimes." He says hopelessly.
"Can't be helped." She replies cheekily, paying the lady and walking off with a very hungry Riku who's already devouring his Yakitori.


"Wah~ that was so nice." Mei says with a satisfied smile, a not-so-ladylike burp follows shortly after.
"Mei!" Riku chuckles out as the two throw away their rubbish.
"What? I'm with you." She giggles before taking a handful of snow and stuffing it into the hood of Riku's coat before pulling it over his head.
"Mei!" He shouts out, shivering at the sudden cool snow on his head and shakes it all off.
"Come back here!" He shouts before Naruto running towards Mei with snowballs and throwing a whole bunch of them, some missing her completely and a few hit her back.

"I'll get you!" She giggles before throwing more snowballs at her opponent, who now chases her around until they both run out of breath and collapse onto the snow, lazily moving their arms and legs to make snow angels while gazing at the twinkling stars.
"Geez, I can't believe Christmas is here in about..." Mei quickly checks her watch for the time, but Riku beats her to it.
"Ten minutes time."
Mei grins as she nods in agreement.

"You know..." Mei props herself on her elbows, "there's a present I actually wanted to give you for a while."
"Really?" He asks, already pleased with the present he had just received and not really wanting more just yet.
"It better not cost the world."
"It costs more than that." Mei replies
"Mei~" Riku whines before glancing the small area around Mei.
"Wait, if it costs so much then surely it must be big. Right?"
Mei giggles and shakes her head in response.
"No, your gift is tiny with something very big inside and is only meant for one person."
"Ok Mei, enough with the quiz. What and where-"
Riku is cut off when something soft and sweet meets his lips as a warm and fuzzy spreads all throughout his body to the tips of his toes.

The sound of the clock bells ring, representing midnight and the end of Christmas Eve, and Mei pulls slightly away, her lips still brushing against Riku's.
"Look up." She says as Riku looks up to find Mei's hand holding a piece of Mistletoe and grins widely before shyly kissing the crown of Mei's head.
"Thank you." Riku muffles out
"Your welcome. Oh, and Riku..." Mei looks up at Riku.

"Merry Christmas."

"And so they danced away to the sound of the bells, whispering to each other a merry Christmas before kissing under the mistletoe."

A/N: Sup fambam *insert clown emoji* hope y'all like this, as you can tell it's much more longer. I actually planned on this story lol and I'm supposed to be asleep but me aside, MERRY CHRISTMAS YALL

Anyhays, I already opened mine, but what did y'all get? Do you guys like the gifts you received?

Also I'm tired asf, so some things might be incorrect and cringe and whatnot lol

See y'all in the next story <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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