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This one is Inspired bya Larry Stylinson oneshot that I read minutes ago lmao

Muggle au where harry is a famous singer and Draco is a model. There have been rumors of a relationship going on for awhile between fans and they got married without telling anyone

They decide to do it over a livestream🌈🌈

Draco sat in the living room on the couch, legs crossed under him as he watched the tv. Harry watched him from the kitchen, saying nothing as he contemplated something for a minute.

A mere few seconds later, harry walked from the kitchen to the living room, laying down next to Draco and resting his head in his husband's lap.

Draco smiled down at him, leaning down to leave a soft kiss on his forehead before going back to the tv. Draco threaded his fingers through Harry's hair, the silky curls shifting between his aristocratic fingers.

Harry pulled out his phone, putting in his password before opening the Twitter app, scrolling aimlessly.

When Draco looked down again, he was staring at a picture of him and draco, along with their Siberian husky puppy, willow, who was currently asleep beside the couch.

(A/N I know Tom Felton's dog Willow isn't a husky and I promise I am absolutely in love with her, but I really like huskies so... pls don't attack me lol)

Draco paused the tv, turning his attention to his husband.

"What's wrong love?" Draco asked, voice gentle.

Harry shrugged, looking up at him, going cross eyed which made Draco smile.

"The fans have always known."

Draco was slightly surprised by this sentence, but did his best to not show his confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Harry tapped on his phone a couple more times before showing Draco a picture, giving him a sad smile.

"They've always had their suspicions."


Harry sighed, wriggling away until his was upright before scooting closer and climbing into his lap. Draco embraced him and chuckled as harry buried his face in Draco's shirt.

"I wish we could just tell them."

"Why don't we tell them then?"

Harry looked at him for a minute, studying his face to see if he was being serious. Draco arched an eyebrow and Harry decided that he was, in fact, not joking.

"How can we do it?"

"Well I know i can't be bothered to do it at some interview or another and neither can you. But a shitty tweet or post doesn't seem to do it either. We should do something to make the fans go crazy."

Harry tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Ooh, like a livestream?"

"Sure, baby." Draco smiled at him, studying his emerald green eyes that shifted slightly. "Let's just get it over with."

"You wanna do it now?" Harry stared at him in surprise.


"Ok." Harry agreed quietly, almost in a whisper. "How do you want to do this?"

Part 2 coming soon!

Ps. Don't forget to check out my other stories and follow my second account as well. I'll link it below.

I am writing my first novel series so I would be very happy if you would check it out. The first book is under construction and i will be posting there soon!

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