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Edmund looked at Jadis' body, dropping his sword in shock.
"Edmund!" Lucy said in relief and went to hug her brother. The anger in his eyes was gone and he looked around.
"What?...what happened I..."
"You defeated her Edmund, and you defeated the curse she put on you" Lucy said in relief.
Edmund hugged his sister and glanced over at peter who was stood next to the witches sleigh.
"Pete" he said with tears in his eyes before he shakily pulled away from his sisters embrace.
"I'm so sorry I..." Edmund said as he walked over to his older brother.
Peter couldn't help but smile "it's alright, none of this was your fault"
"I was just so angry and...I missed you. I thought you were dead" Edmund said as tears streamed down his face.
"I'm right here" peter said before pulling his brother into a tight hug. "I'm never leaving your side again. Never" he promised.
Edmund finally let out his sobs and held onto his brother like he would never let go.
Susan watched with a smile as she wrapped her arm around Lucy's shoulders.
"Well done Lu, you did great in that fight" Susan said honestly.
"I'm just glad Edmund helped.." Lucy said with a smile.
"Well love is stronger than hate. He broke that curse by himself" Susan said.

Edmund turned away from peter to look at Aslan.
"Well done Edmund" Aslan praised and Edmund couldn't help but smile.
"Thank you Aslan. I'm sorry for all of this...I hurt the narnians and I went to her..."
"You were mourning, and you were sad. The witch knew how to manipulate you. That is not your fault" Aslan said gently.
Edmund relaxed a little and peter kept his arm around him.
"So what now? We've won?" Lucy said hopefully as she went to Aslan's side.
Aslan dropped his head before sighing.
"For now" Aslan said.
Edmund and peter exchanged a glance before they saw Aslan's expression brighten a little.
"But don't worry. You have won this battle. That is enough" Aslan said softly.
Edmund and peter shared a smile before the narnians brought over to their horses.
"Where are we going?" Edmund asked as caspian arrived.
"Because of your bravery, the telmarines that have gone to our side are willing to rebuild your castle" caspian said with a smile.
"Cair Paravel?" Peter asked, looking immediately happy.
"You mean we'd be..."
"Rulers again...yes" caspian said to peter and edmund "that's if want to stay"
All of the pevensies exchanged glances and peter nodded.
"Yes. We'd be happy to stay"
And with that, they travelled with the narnians back to their beloved castle.


A wolf wandered through the woods before spotting his queen on the ground. He padded over and saw she'd been empaled with a sword.
He growled slightly with anger. Jadis was dead.
But what brought her back last time? Adams blood. Would that work again?
He looked at the injury and saw the sword next to her, covered in blood. But some
Of the blood wasn't hers. It was Edmunds.
The wolf smiled.
"Don't worry my queen. You will rise again"


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