Rider's Struggles

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Driving home from the Agito restaurant, Daigo is not asleep anymore, instead he's looking at the road with a bright eye. His dad smiled at this son's behavior and curiously asks about what could be causing it.

"it's that kid, Kyouichi"

"what of him? you like him?" Hajime smirks a little bit

"not romantically if that's what you mean, but yeah I like him. being with him reminds me of how I was before...you know"

"fourth birthday?"

"yeah" and his dad is silent not wanting to bring up his son unpleasant memory

Tsugami Kyouichi is one that Daigo could call more than colleagues or simply just an acquaintance, he's the first friend he ever made (as Hikawa Daigo). Hikawa Daigo is never having friends, in his youth, he focused solely and only on his goal, to become a great policeman, but now when his dad revealed the burden that he has to carry, his responsibility as the new G3 it's nice to know that he's not the only one that has that and that there's another person who share the same situation as he is.

Hajime drives Daigo back to the warehouse and after a quick goodbye, he drive home leaving Daigo alone in the warehouse. Daigo then jumped straight to bed dozing off, the coffee he had during dinner is ineffective, it was a good one though.

In the morning Daigo wakes up at 5, like he usually does, he the do his morning workout and daily routine until 7 a.m then he will sit at his workbench and not standing until dark.

Today he's hoping to find a solution on the G3 containment unit, since it's the hardest part of assembling the suit, how to equip the suit at any time and anywhere.

"Nope, not going to work, now this is just baloney, yes this might work but not efficient" and he tossed the paper to his to-do list and continue "Gosh dang it, why would I bother hoping today would be different"

As he continues to hurt his brain trying to think of a solution the phone rang and his left-hand picks up the phone while his right hand still busy writing on his notes.



"Chief Omuro, good morning sir what can I do for you"

"Just checking how's the G3 coming along"

"it's pretty much-done sir, I just still figuring out how to equip it that's all"

"Okay that's good, you need to hurry though you only got two months left"

"yes sir, thank you sir"

He put the phone back, frustrated, he forgot his deadline for finishing the suit, he'll have to hurry but he doesn't have a clue how to tackle this particular problem. He needs help and no one is there to help him that got enough knowledge about the suit and more importantly allowed to know about the suit.

"F****CK THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!! why did I agree on this again?"... "oh right, because of my 'dream' wish I could be Agito, must be pretty easy with all the weapons, transformation, and even bike covered. That reminds me...crap, I haven't even started on the guard chaser yet"

Meanwhile with Tsugami Kyouichi

After Daigo and Hajime left he seems frustrated, one emotion he never shown because of his bubbly personality. As his mother, Naomi is worried over her son who locked himself in his room until past breakfast the next day, even when she tried to ask Kyouichi to cook breakfast he won't come out and that's wrong if you know how much he liked cooking, he won't pass any opportunity to cook for someone else, especially his mother.

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