Vincent woke up on his crumb ridden bed, he slowly lifted his face up from the pillow, and looked around. It seemed he actually made it home this time, shocker. He stood up nakedly, looking out his apartment window, another day, another shitshow. Vincent walked down the hall of his apartment, grabbing a cup of milk, and turning on the radio to listen too whilst he got ready. Ofcourse it was that country shit on, hes heard this all too often at work, he was already sick of it by this point. He walked over to the couch to put on some underwear, before putting on a cheap deoderant, and grabbing his uniform, a purple shirt, black pants, boots, and a tie. He gently adjusted the nametag on his uniform, and sat down to tie his laces.
A million thoughts ran in vincents head as he tied his boots up, most of them were non sensible garbage, but others were about freinds, family, even past. Vincent was used to this however, this was how his mind worked after all.
He stood up, and walked back into his bedroom, kicking the floor clear of xxx magazines and empty drink bottles, to find his lucky butterfly knife. Vincent kissed it gently, before stuffing it deep in his pockets for his boss and his buddy grön not to see. He grabbed his leather jacket, and off he was to work like any other day. He got on his motorcycle, and was off to fredbears, not too far from where vincent stayed. Before pulling into the parking lot, vincent noticed the large amount of vehicles there, including gröns. Was he late again? No no, its only 1:53, why were there customers here already? Vincent groaned as he parked next to grön, stuffing his keys in his pocket, and opening the door slowly. Grön was sitting at a table quiet, as he was surrounded by a bunch of tall raggedy men, which concerned vincent, alot. Next thing, he knew a voice boomed "you two must be grön and vincent eh?" Vincent looked over to see alison, walking towards them with henry behind, keeping distance from the man. Vincent tilted his head before he realised who this was, he was well known to those who were active in crime, and vincent knew from many freinds to fear alison. Vincent turned to run, but one of the raggedy men grabbed his arm, and threw him on the floor infront of alison. Alison smiled gently as grön ran over to help vincent up.
"Boys boys, dont be alarmed" alison said in a sorta charming, but still dark tone. "Im just your boss henrys new buisness partner... aint that right fat boy?" Henry nodded slowly, looking down. Alison chuckled, and put his arms around vincent and grön. "You two are very skilled technicians i heard, were even able to fatty over there build those fuckin monstrosities up on stage eh? We could use men like you in the gang..." grön, who was absolutely terrified looked away, as vincent did the same. Alison chuckled, "with my mind and your skills, i think we can all build something PERFECT..." he let go of the men, and slapped henrys arm. "Well, go get ready chum! Me and my gang will... unpack, we will talk when the shift is over." Alison nodded his head, and his gang followed him outside to the back, where they were migrating their vehicles too. Henry looked up slowly at vincent and grön, before finally being brave enough to spurt out "he made me... im so sorry"
the return to freddys: retold
HorrorNOTE: this is a work in progress. this is my personal take on the return to freddys's story! trtf's story and characters belong too: tyler ahlstöm. enjoy!