Chapter 3

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Dr. Xan

I was laughing on my way back to my cabin.

Seriously why did I chose that nickname.

I unlocked my cabin door and went inside. Sitting down, I adjusted my coat and recalled what happened in the last one hour.

After meeting with that pediatrician, I was on my way to the canteen when my phone rang. Fishing out my phone from my pocket, I looked at the caller id.

It was my best friend Ritik.

"What's up?" I answered the call while walking to the canteen.

"Will you go to Lansdowne with us?" He asked, straight forwardly.


"What happened all of a sudden?" I questioned. It would be very difficult for me arrange someone for my duties as most of my colleagues had taken leaves.

"Just answer yes or no. It will be 2 day trip in all. Starting early morning and starting back from there on the next evening." He stated, telling his plan. "Just the weekend and you me and Sam. You in?"

A smiled graced my face thinking about getting together with my buddies. Sam was in California and recently returned so it would be our first trip after so many months. It would be a good weekend get away.

"I'm in. I'll arrange for my duties. Bye." I cut the call not waiting for his response.

Who should I ask for exchange?

I thought of every friend and colleague of mine.

Rita? She's busy.

Vineet? He's not in Delhi.

Sahir? He would never do.

Anika? Let's call her.

I took out my phone and called Anika. After ringing for a few seconds, she answered the call.

"Hey Anika. How are you?" I greeted more like chirped.

"Hi there Viren. What to tell dude. I'm down with fever. The weekend was off and I can't even go out." She cried into the phone.

She's not well. No use.

"Oh. Hey I'll talk to you later. Dr. Digant is calling. Bye and get well soon." She replied with a 'thank you' before I ended the call.


Just as I was about to call her, a new Instagram notification popped up.

Bani Sarkar posted on Instagram.

Opening up the notification, I sighed exasperatedly.

No one is free.

I was about to call Ritik and tell him that I could not go when a familiar person passed by in front of me.


A sly smile made it's way to my face as I walked behind her. I waited in the shadow while she ordered her food but when the counter person told her the bill, I made my presence known.

"Rs 100." He answered and tore the bill from the billing machine before giving it to her.

Rs 100?

I have that.

While she was opening her wallet and getting out the note, I quickly pulled out the 100 rupees note from my pocket and handed it to the guy.


"Thank you. You can take your order from the side." With that he went to the kitchen leaving us alone.

Flashback over

Since that moment, I had been irritating her. I had also given her a nickname.

All because I wanted her to do my duty for Saturday because Sunday was my off.

I called Vikas in and waited for him.

"Yes sir?" He asked, poking his head in.

"Are there any patients?" I asked.

"No sir."

"Okay you can leave." I replied and he nodded before going out.

Let's go.

I got up from my chair and exited my cabin. As soon as I was out, Vikas stood up.

"Do you need anything sir?" He asked worried.

"No. You can tend to others. I'll be back in few minutes." I replied and made my way to the children's ward.

I was damn sure that Vikas was shocked because I hated that ward. All day long, shouts, cries and all kind of noises and sounds came from this ward.

Kids, I tell you.

I slowly opened the ward and saw five doctors sitting on theirs desk, checking upon infants, kids or babies. The room was very colourful and bright that it hurt my eyes.

I smiled creepily as I saw Xan and slowly made my way towards her desk as to not disturb her. Luckily, she was not with any patient.

I silently sat down on the stool in front of her and waited for her to acknowledge me. After a few seconds, she finally noticed that someone was sitting in front of her.
Without looking up, she asked.

"What happened to the little one?"

When she didn't get an answer, she looked up and immediately sighed irritatedly after looking at my smile.

"What the hell do you want?" She questioned with a frustrated look on her face.

"I want to take an off tomorrow but there no one to do my duty." I stated.

"So...?" She drawled out. I knew she was getting my point because the frown on her face turned into a hard glare.

"You will do my shift." I completed her sentence.

She chuckled and leaned back on the chair and crossed her arms.

"And why would I do that?"

I smiled and inclined forward before crossing my arms too.

"Because you don't want a complain on you for being careless with a child."

She immediately straightened up and an alarmed look came on her face.

"Are you threatening me?" She asked with disbelief written all over her face.

"Kind of." I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck.

She scoffed and looked away.

"Just do my shift and I won't complain about you. It's from nine to three in the afternoon." I negotiated.

"You are shameless!" She exclaimed looking scared for once.

I laughed out aloud before I stood up from the stool.

"Thank you so much Dr Xan."

"Shut up!" She gritted out.

Laughing, I picked up her unlocked phone in my hand and quickly saved my number in it.

"Give me back!" She exclaimed as she snatched the phone from my hand, distress on her face.

"Okay so I'll see you on Monday." I stated. "And yes, don't go against me because I know you are new in this hospital and everyone will only believe what I'll say plus, there were witnesses to the incident. So..." With that, I saluted her and walked out of the children's ward.

I'm so smart.

I chuckled.


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