my heavy heart

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Yeonjun walked into the practice room. It was sunday and a holiday for the trainees. Yeonjun couldn't find anything better to do so he came to the company to practice for the monthly evaluation next week. He saw the room entirely empty, different from it was on regular day, full of fun, exhaustion,worry, smiles, anxiety and laughs, sometimes cries. Yeonjun put on the song he'd been been preparing. He practiced for 15 minutes straight trying to perfect every move. He was exhausted. He decided to take a break. He sat down sipping water from his bottle. In the other hand he held his phone, scrolling mindlessly on his instagram feed with his thumb.

The door opened and yeonjun looked up to see who it was. A tall boy in sweatpants and a long tshirt seemed to be struggling to close the door with his back toward yeonjun. Yeonjun knew who it was just by the sight of the boy's back. He walked upto him and put his hand on the lock slightly touching the tall boy's and pulled the door hard and it closed. Soobin turned towards him flustered. They stood close, closer than they had ever been. Yeonjun could smell soobin's soft body fragrance, he could not help but smile softly.

"Ah, thank you i couldn't close it i tried so mu-" "It's okay *smirks*. Are you here to practice too?" Yeonjun asked. "Oh, yeah, i didn't have anything to do. Heuning had to study so i decided to come here instead. I haven't been doing well on the evaluations and i'm a bit worried. Maybe i should quit..." "WHAT?ARe YoU FuCkiNg kiDd-" Yeonjun stopped himself right in his tracks. " I mean, you're doing really well. How can you think of quiting? you've come so far!" Yeonjun said sounding a little annoyed and sad. "You wouldn't know, you've always been first yeonjun hyung. Its really frustrating. i don't know where i am going. It's almost an year and i don't seem to be improving." Soobin said. Yeonjun felt a little disappointed but then he coulf understand Soobin's feelings. He himself felt a bit discouraged listening to Soobin's very genuine questions.

"You know how many years i have  spent as a trainee soobin?" Yeonjun asked in a low tone. "No i never met  you before i saw you here." Soobin answered obliviously. "Five. *silence* I've been a trainee for five years now. I was at cube entertainment but shifted to bighit two years back. I have friends in Ateez and pentagon. I saw them all debut. I was always left behind. Yeonjun could feel tears build up. and his throat was heavy. Soobin was speechless. He didn't know yeonjun had been working for so long. He felt a deep sense of respect build up for the guy.  Yeonjun couldn't hold it in anymore , a tear slowly felt down his cheek. Soobin was shocked to see the sight. He didn't know the top trainee had been holding up so much stuff in him. Yeonjun tried wiping his tears but they kept flowing down his skin. He sniffled and soobin came closer and wrapped his arms around yeonjun's and rubbed his back. "I'm so sorry hyung i didn't know. You're the most hardworking person i've met. Maybe you have a very bright future. Maybe you were made for this company, afterall they have such legendary artists like BTS." Soobin said and he meant every word. "maybe *laughs softly*" yeonjun said. "I mean definitely but i don't want to give you false hopes, ah-, ah shibal, oh oh sorry, i will shut up now." Soobin moved away embarrassed. He saw yeonjun laughing softly at how clumsy he was. He just smiled back still rubbing the older's back. "Thank you bin. That was really sweet of you. I'm sorry i broke down in front of you." Yeonjun said. " What no it's all okay hyung. I'll be there for you whenever you need. We're friends. Soobin said. "Oh we're FriEndS" yeonjun replied making a silly face. Soobin blushed and hit the older on his arm. They both laughed. "Come, i'll help you with your routine. This time you'll come second. First place is mine ofcoure." yeonjun said smirking. "Yeah right, but hyung i don't wanna trouble you. you can practice." "Ah i'm done with my routine. Let me help you, FriEnd " yeonjun said.Soobin could only cover his face in embarrasment. The two spent the next few hours practicing and laughing. Training never felt so fun before. Yeonjun never felt so not alone.

 Yeonjun never felt so not alone

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