Chapter 7 : The C-Rank Mission Journey to the Land of Waves part 1

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June's P.O.V

It has been a month since we have become genin. All that we have done is go on boring D-rank missions. My missions for father are way more interesting than this. Our mission today is to find a missing cat. We have radios with us so we can communicate with each other while we are apart.

"June, I'm at point D.," I said over the radio.

"Sakura, point B."

Sasuke, point A."

"Naruto, point D, believe it!" Naruto yelled and made us all fall from the loud sound.

"Your slow Naruto," Kakashi said. "The target has move follow it."

We moved closer to the target.

"Distance from target?" Kakashi asked.

"Five meters I'm ready just give me the signal," Naruto said.

"I'm ready too," Sasuke said.

"So am I," Sakura said.

"Ready," I said bored.

"Okay... Now!" Kakashi yelled. We all with to grab the cat.

Naruto was the closest so he was able to catch the cat while we all stood around him.

Sasuke told Kakashi-sensei about finding the cat. While I watched Naruto get scratched up by the cat. I got on my knee and closed my eyes using a similar ability as my dad to mentally communicate with the cat.

It stopped scratching him and jumped into my arms, purring making me pet it behind the ear.

Naruto stood up and scratched the back of his head while his face was slightly pink. I raised an eyebrow at his pink face.

"Thanks, June," Naruto said. "Also how you get it to come to you without saying anything?"

"I just have a way with animals," I replied.

Kakashi-sensei's then came and told us to go back to the Hokage's office to give back the cat.

We all walked back to the mansion while I was carefully carrying the cat in my arms.

'I don't even know why I told the cat to stop scratching Naruto.'


Once we made it to the Hokage office. I gave the cat back to its owner, who was the Damiyo's wife. She was hugging her cat to death.

I felt bad for the cat. I could hear it screaming for help thanks to my ability to understand animals. While rolling my eyes at Naruto who was saying the cat deserved it.

The Hokage hum and starts to pick out a new D-Rank mission for us to do until Naruto shouted "No!" And crossed his arms in an X formation.

"No thanks to all of those! I want to do more exciting missions! Right, June?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow wondering why he was acting like we're friends.

"Idiot! You are still a novice an ninja! Everyone needs to start with easy missions to gain experience!" Naruto started pouting until Kakashi-sensei hit him on the head.

'This boy is a knucklehead how did he even become a ninja.' I thought with my arm crossed.

The hokage started to lecture Naruto about missions their rankings causing me to zone out.

'I wonder how much longer this mission will take before I can back home.'

I was brought out of my thoughts when the Hokage screamed for everyone to listen.

"You always lecture me, gramps! But I'm not just a kid who pulls pranks all the time anymore!" Naruto said.

'He has determination but he still a knucklehead.'

"I understand... If you insist, I will allow you to take a C-rank Mission... It is to escort a certain person..."

This got Naruto excited and started asking who the person was until the Hokage told them to come in.

It was an old man that smell like alcohol and was holding a bottle of Sake. "What!" He slobbered. "They're all kids! Who the small one with the idiotic look on his face..."

Naruto laughed and asked who it was so we all went into a line where it went Sasuke, Sakura, me, and then Naruto.

Naruto tries to run at the client, but Kakashi grabbed him by his jacket and told him that he couldn't kill the client.

'Once again that bit is stupid.'

That calmed him down the man started to speak. "I am the bridge builder Tazuna... I expect you to protect me with your life while I complete the bridge."

I narrowed my eyes not completely trusting this client something didn't seem right to me.


I was back at my apartment packing for my mission. When Kabuto appeared in my apartment.

"Leaving for a mission?" Kabuto asked over my shoulder watching as I packed my bag.

"Yeah to the Land of waves protecting a rude old drunk," I said.

"Taking your sword Lord Orochimaru got you for your birthday," Kabuto asked as she grabbed her sheath with her sword from next to her wall.

"Yeah, I'm hoping if we run into an enemy I can practice my swords skills on them. So I can become a great shinobi stronger than father one day," I said thinking about my father. "Besides I need some action before I go crazy."

Kabuto smiled at my response. "You aren't enjoying it here. Still having trouble with people making fun of you?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah but I deal with it, but I guess it could be worse if they knew what was inside of me," I said putting my jacket on and then my sword and backpack on.

"Remember to keep yourself and Sasuke safe," Kabuto reminded.

"I know if something happens to Sasuke the mission fails and if I die father will lose his light in this world of darkness."

"Glad to hear that we're on the same page, I see you soon June."

"Right see you later," I said as I watch Kabuto disappeared leaving me to my thoughts.

'I just hope I can keep Sasuke safe and myself. More importantly, I hope I can keep my secret of the demon inside of hidden, but I get this feeling like something will happen to reveal it. I might just be freaking out too much about how people will react if they about it.'

I shook my head and snapped out of my thoughts and walked out of my apartment to head to the gate to meet up with my team.

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Q: What did you think of this chapter?

Q: How do you think the Land of Waves mission will go?

A/N: It looks like most people want June with Naruto but haven't completely decided yet.

Thanks for reading!

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