Chapter 8

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The next day, Evie walked into the kitchen and tossed something to Jay who was packing up picnic baskets.

"Morning. Got the beach towels," Carlos said as he walked in.

"Sorry. Morning," Evie told the two boys.

"How is it she looks flawless no matter what she wears?" Rose asked, shaking her head.

"Why thank you," Evie grinned.

"These," Carlos muttered to himself, ignoring Jay and Evie.

Mal chuckled. "So...Jay, have a little snack?"

"What? No!"

"Then explain the missing piece of cake," the purple haired future queen said with a smirk.

"You don't know it was me!"


"I really think she's gonna like the cake, you guys," Carlos said as Evie tossed apples to Jay, who in turn tossed them into the picnic baskets.

"I'm sure I will," Jane said, gently grabbing Carlos' hand as Lumiere and Fairy Godmother smiled at the sight. "Missing piece and all."

"Oh, yeah?" Jay asked, still catching apples as Evie chuckled slightly.

"You guys are like a well oiled machine," Neal said with a grin.

"Oh, no," Carlos said, noticing the slice missing from the cake. "Okay. Who got into Jane's cake?" Carlos asked as Jay and Evie paused what they were doing to look at him before looking at the cake themselves.

"Process of elimination," Harriet chuckled. "Squeaky and Squirmy are too shy to do something like that without being egged on by a ringleader."

"Also, look for who's missing," Sammy smirked softly as Mr. Smee chuckled.

The scene cut to the outside of Evie's castle where Dizzy and Celia were sitting, enjoying the aforementioned cake.

Evie and Uma softly shook their heads in amusement, the action not noticed by either girl.

"Delicious," Dizzy said, licking some of the frosting from the plate with her finger.

"I especially love the lack of dirt." Celia told her and the red haired girl nodded.

"And the lack of flies," Dizzy added after a minute.

"Dirt? Flies? I thought food was getting better on the Isle?" Ben asked, looking at the girls in concern.

"Oh it is," Dizzy nodded. "But the higher ranked gangs still get most of the good food first while the others still have to get by one what they can grab and sometimes the barges aren't cleaned from the previous month."

"I can get some decent stuff since I'm Uma's sister but I normally give it to the younger kids," Celia added. "For a fee of course. Can't get something for nothing you know."

"Okay, what did I say about quoting my mother?" Uma asked.

"Not to?"


Celia took a bite of her cake, as if to verify what Dizzy had said, and nodded. She held out her plate to Dizzy, who had cleaned her plate.

"Want some?"

"Thank you," Dizzy said as she took half the cake from Celia's plate. Both girls gave a small giggle as they continued to eat the cake, giving a joyful sigh.

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