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A.n. Here is update to this, I will focus writing this one only, can't promise fast updates, probably once or twice a week.

Here is a small, angsty chapter.



Jungkook was lying in his bed, staring at his white sealing. After Namjoon got him calmed down at the school, he had called Seokjin to pick them up, and taken Jungkook back to his home.

He had seen Taehyung leaving with unfamiliar beta, and that had hurt him even more than him bailing on him.

Namjoon had seen the hurt look at the you get omegas face, but he hadn't said anything about it, because he knew Jungkook was not ready to talk about it.

He had offered to stay with him, to take his mind off the things bothering him, but Jungkook had declined the nice offer, telling the opted omega to spend time with his mate.

So now he was here, in his bedroom, lying down on the bed, alone. His head hurts from the all crying he had done, and his heart hurt from the one-sided  feelings he harbored for the alpha clouding his mind.

His phone chimes on the bedside table and he rolls over, reaching his hand over and picking it up lazily.

"Hey Kook, just checking on to you, Namjoon said you were feeling under the weather. Let me know if you need anything."

Small smile tugs his lips when he reads the alphas words from his screen. Of course Namjoon had texted to the alpha, telling him that he was upset, they have been always together and all their friends knew that if anyone could make him feel better, it was Taehyung.

Too bad he was now the reason to his melancholy feelings.

He was concerned about me?

Small omega feels himself getting little giddy, but his victory dance was over as soon as his phone dings again in his hand. This time it's notification from instagram.

It's an username he's not familiar with, but Taehyung has been tagged on the post. He clicks it open, and could feel how his blood runs cold in his veins.

It's an picture of Taehyung and that unfamiliar pretty beta, kissing his cheek.

"Had really nice date with my new boyfriend"

Jungkook reads the caption under the picture several times, and screams when he sees that Taehyung had commented under it with an heart.

Jungkook's phone goes flying, when angry and upset male flings it through the air, making it crash on the wall with a loud crash.

Tears roll out of his eyes again, when he covers himself with his blanket.

Soft knocks can be heard from the door, before his mother steps inside. "Sweetie? Are you okay?"

Jungkook only mumbles something, trying to suppress his sniffles, wiping his tears furiously. His bed dips and petite woman sits down, pulling the covers from his head.

"Oh love.." he whispers when her eyes are met with red faced boy, his eyes puffed, and red, his nose and cheek wet. Woman runs her fingers through Jungkook's hair, calming him down.

"What happened?" Her voice is calm, comforting, so Jungkook pulls himself out from his nest, and sits up.

"It's just.. I was already upset when he bailed on me, he had a date, so he didn't have time for me.." Jungkook whispers, and his mother takes his hand on her small hand, knowing really well who they are talking about.

"Is that all? You know he's old enough for finding his mate" mother says, and small boy shakes his head, his curly hair bouncing around.

"No, but the beta posted a picture off them kissing, and the caption said that..." Jungkook sniffles again, his voice breaking with his heart when he thinks about it.

About Taehyung having an boyfriend, someone who isn't him.

"Said what?" His mother's calm voice asks, and snaps him out of his toughs. Jungkook can't answer, so he slides out off the bed, reaching his phone on the floor and shows the picture to his mother.

Small woman studies the picture on the screen for a while, until she lays the phone down on the bed, and stands up. She walks over at the small omega standing in the middle of the room, and pulls her son in her arms, hugging the boy tightly.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry." Jungkook cries a little, in the living arms in his mother, sobbing out a barely audible words. "It hurts so bad mom, I can't understand why not me.."

His mother pats his head, letting the boy cry in her arms. "Well, that's life Kook. Sometimes it breaks us, so we can rebuilt ourselves, and become better persons"

"But it's unfair, I have loved him for years now" Jungkook whispers, and his mother only hums.
"I know baby, but he doesn't see you like that, and you should respect it, being his best friend."

Jungkook nods, wiping the tears from his face and his mother kisses his forehead.

"I know it hurts sweetie, but it's Taehyung's decision, he doesn't know about your feelings, so you shouldn't hate him about finding someone."

Jungkook nods again, only wanting his mother to step out of his room, so he could lay in his bed, under his covers and wallow in self pity.

And when the woman finally steps out off the room, leaving Jungkook again with his toughs, he can't help but feel the burning jealousy when he thinks about the alpha and his new boyfriend.

One day he will love me. I will show him that I'm better than anyone else, I'm his mate, I'm sure about it.

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