Before the story...

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Hello random reader who stumbled into this story!

Just a few notes before you start reading:

1. Don't leave! You can skip this if you want, just please look at the Prologue before deciding whether or not this story is for you. I'm not quite sure how accurate my view data is, but it says that this section has 17 views and the Prologue only has 9, so unless my math is really off people are leaving before they even start the story; don't be one of them.

2. This is only my second attempt at writing fan fiction, so I'm still a complete noob at it. I honestly have no idea where this is going or how long I'll keep it up, but I've had this story in my drafts for too long so I figure why not start it and see what happens? In the meantime I hope you get something out of it.

3. Just bear in mind that this is not by any means great work. Think of it like a rough draft; I'm just getting my thoughts out on paper. So if some of the dialogue feels forced or if a plot point doesn't make sense, that's why. And anyway, this is fan fiction, so I mean... what were you expecting anyway?

4. Adding on to that, in case you can't tell by now I am a wordy, lengthy writer. Also for some reason I decided to write in present tense which is very unusual for me, so I might slip up every now and again just to give you a heads up.

5. As far as I'm aware there's nothing offensive or insensitive in here, but if there is something let me know. Additionally if you don't like/aren't comfortable with fan fiction, karmagisa, boy x boy, or assassinations then I have two things to say to you: 1, Don't keep reading, and 2, How the heck did you get here in the first place?

6. I take all feedback and I'm absolutely ravenous for some (*cough* any *cough*) comments, so that thing you're debating about whether or not you should say? Post it.

I think that's everything, so please enjoy.


Target Tentacles - A Karmagisa AssassinationWhere stories live. Discover now