Just One Chapter

18 4 0

Students filtered in and out of the school. Excitement was in the air as friends talked animatedly with each other. With that excitement came an underlying sadness and disappointment, the thought of never seeing your friends again caused that.

I had already said my final goodbyes to my friends and favorite teachers, but I knew I was going to see most of my friends at college. Actually most of the senior year students at Westburn Private Academy had gotten into equally prestigious colleges.

I stood at the car park beside my parents Jeep, my boyfriend Justin talking to me about how he couldn't wait to leave for his ivy league college. I smiled, nodding along to what he was saying but I wasn't really listening. Instead my attention was on the black Mercedes parked a few metres away from us. The Mercedes wasn't what caught my attention because it wasn't uncommon to see a Mercedes at Westburn because most of the students here were children of the high and mighty.

I stared at the person seated at the drivers seat. The door hung open, he looked bored just seating there and his eyes roamed around the park before locking onto mine. He smiled at me, sadness obvious in his eyes before reaching out and shutting the door of the Mercedes.

I sighed softly. Things between Elliot and I had never remained the same after the incident that happened earlier this year, the only reason we even remained friends was because we had known each other since we were babies and we're family friends. Although I had technically already forgiven Elliot, whenever I thought about it it still stung probably because it was from someone I considered the love of my life.

Although I had moved on from Elliot with my current boyfriend Justin, I had also forgiven him because I just couldn't stay mad at him and now, it bothered me that he was sad.

I turned to Justin, asking him to excuse me for a minute before walking up to where Elliot's parents stood talking to a couple of other parents, mine included.

“Hey Mrs Griffin.” I greeted with a smile.

“Awwn hello Margo. I remember when you were just a toddler playing in out backyard with Elliot and now, you're graduating highschool.” She pulled me into a hug causing me to laugh slightly. I had always considered Mrs Griffin as like a second mom to me, she was always so nice and gave me advice whenever I needed one.

“Um Mrs Griffin I have kind of a weird request.” I paused and she nodded for me to go on. “Can I borrow Elliot just for today. It's been a while since we hung out, just the two of us and since he's leaving for college tomorrow I...”

“Say no more darling.” She winked at me before turning to my parents. “Eloise, Jared and I would be riding with you if that's okay.”

“Of course. Oh we can check out that store I told you about on the way.” My mom launched into a full conversation about whatever store it was she was talking about and I turned around and walked back to Justin who was still standing where I had left him but was now talking to one of his friends.

“Hey Justin, I have something really weird but important to ask you?” After waving his friend off, he turned to me with a confused look. “I want us to break up but just for a day.”

His reaction was as anticipated. “Wait what? Why?”

“I can't say but I really need us to break up. Besides it's just till the end of the day and after that, I'm all yours again.” I took his hand in mine, giving my best puppy dog eyes, anything to get him to agree.

He frowned in thought for a while before sighing in resignation. “Just till the end of today right?” I nodded. “Okay. Just call me tomorrow alright.” He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I'll see you later babe.”

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