Hermione Granger x fem reader

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A/n this was a request from my good friend Tori UwU this is for you tori. You have had a rough day and you just want to spend it with your crush Hermione.

"That is all for today, you may pack your things and leave" Professor snape said slowly

"Ugh finally this could not get anymore boring, I'm gonna go to the common room you wanna come?" You ask your friend Violet

"No thanks I'm going to go hang out with Professor Lupin" (hint at a upcoming chapter)
Violet said

"Oh alright see yeah!"
You start walking to the common room when you get stoped my Draco, pansey and his goons.
You mentally groan just wanting to get this day gone and over with.
"Yes Malfoy?"
What's a nerd like you doing roaming the halls?
"Listen it's none of your business I'm just trying to go to my common room please I've had a rough day just let me be for today" you whine
"How dare you, you filthy little mudblood!"
"Shut up Malfoy go stick that comment up your ass I couldn't care less what your daddy issues self says to me"
"Filthy mudblood, just wait till my father hears that I tortured a mudblood!"
You go to question what he means when he whips out his wand and yells "CRUCIO"
You fall to the ground screaming in pain it's like a million knifes are being pierced through your skin you just wanted it to end. Tears are streaming down your face as pansy and his goons laugh you start going faint when you hear someone yelling and saying "STUPIFY" then you faint
You wake up in the hospital wing with the Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger you blush at the sight of Hermione, Harry and Ron notice and raise their eyebrows you blush again and look away.
"Madam Pomfrey she's awake!"
Madam Pomfrey rushes to your side and gives you a potion to drink, you drink it and immediately feel better after a bit she lets you leave while walking back to the common room Hermione who walking beside you starts talking.
"Are you alright? I heard you screaming and it worried me when I found you Draco and his goons were hurting you. I stunned him and his goons I'm sorry I didn't get there earlier."

"Hey it's alright at least you got there! I couldn't thank you more!" You stopped and gave her a hug, then you continued walking to the common room
"Hey Y/n?"
"Yes Hermione?
"May you please meet me in the astronomy tower later tonight at 1:00am?
"Uhm sure?"
You guys make it back to the common room and you take a nap before meeting her, you wake up and look at the time 12:45 just enough time to get to the Astronomy tower
You start walking up to the astronomy tower and open the door you see hermione already standing there you walk up beside her and no one speaks it's type of comfortable silence then she speaks after a few minutes.
"I've always loved the stars, and the moon, everything about it is just so peaceful."
You laid down and she did the same next to you
"It's so magical just the moon and stars, I love astronomy it's my favorite thing to learn here." You said
"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier..."

"I already said it's alright, it's not your fault only mafloys" you spat

"I can't bear the thought of someone hurting you again."

"Why's that?"

"It may seem silly and all, I've acquired feeling for you" she says almost to calmly

You feel like your heart is going to beat of of your chest you take a few deeps breath and take her hand in yours, you sit up as does she and you put one hand on her cheek while the other is holder her hand and you kiss her, it wasn't hungry or needy it was full of love and softness.

"Me too hermione, me too"

You lay back down with both of your cheeks fully red and you bring her to your chest and you cuddle her until you both drift off to sleep........

A/n 726 words I hope you all enjoyed I've never wrote girlxgirl before!
Until the next one
~Mischief Managed~

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