ミ 014

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bucket, check

mask, check

sunglasses, check.

hoodie, check

its been a while since she had met taehyung due to their hectic schedule. their a while doesn't mean over a time span of a month, but a few days.

"are you sure you want to go at this timing?" jennie asked, confirming her decisions once again.

she was the only one, apart from taehyung's members who knew about their relationship, not even chaeyoung or lisa found out.

"yeah, its a surprise for him." she checked herself in the mirror once again before heading out with only a her phone and a bunch of keys in her hand.

"i'll be going now, most likely wouldn't be back till tomorrow morning." jennie sighed, pouting a little before turning the lights down.

"that would be a dollar please." the bus captain spoke politely, which she just nodded.

(i really dont know how much it is to take a bus and a dollar here seems too expensive SORRY)

winding down the window, the cool breeze casually hit her face as she admires the night streets of seoul. despite it being midnight, there were numerous people on the streets, cleaning their stalls before heading home.

'night seoul is really pretty.'

she checked her phone for any notifications, and immediately twitched up a smile on her face.

a great way to start her day.

her plan to surprise him on his birthday was really simple

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her plan to surprise him on his birthday was really simple. she had stocked his refrigerator with tons of junk food the previous time she came, which reduces the amount of load she needs to carry.

alighting at a forested area, she took a long walk in. a good one for her to enjoy the night breeze.

its the forested night again
i wonder how many times i've walk through here to meet you
and how much i missed you
your scent, i am officially in love with it

(i kinda had an inspo for this book so i wrote down the lyrics. sorry yoongi 😳 its bad i know)

jisoo hummed her own self written and composed song, it wasn't complete yet though, at least not to her satisfaction. she had planned to release it today, but she didn't seem to have enough time to improve her work.

she could have gotten it done with the help of namjoon, yoongi, and hoseok but she insisted on completing it herself.

she wanted this present to be unique to him, to be one that he would remember even when they grow old.

she just had too many things planned in mind for them.

she entered his pitch black mansion while trying to make the least noise possible in order to not wake him up.

she tip toed towards him, before laying herself underneath his blanket and chuckling a little to contain her excitement.

"are you who i am thinking of?" he murmured.

"what?" jisoo raised her voice to a higher pitch, having a prank in her mind.

"you aren't her. get out now before i call the cops." he warned, eyes still shut.

instead of admitting she is who he is thinking of, she snake her arms around his waist, pulling him closer to her.

"why can't you listen? i told you to leave me alone." he struggled to break free while keeping his eyes close.

"are you sure you want me to get out? after all the effort i put in. really? you hurt me tae." she adjusted her voice, back to normal. slight disappointment could sensed in her tone.

"no i'm so sorry baby, i didnt mean to." by instincts, he turned around to pull her into a tight hug, one that is enough to suffocate her.

"i'm hurt tae. i need compensation." she pout, before taehyung place a kiss on her lips.

"do you feel better now?" he acted along.

"yes." she flashed her smile to him, one that he has been yearning to see.

"now, why are you here? didn't i told you to sleep well? why are you not listening again?" he frowned as she instantly pinched his bread cheeks.

"because i miss you, alot. and i want to give a surprise on your birthday. oh yes! don't worry i got permission from the management." she reassured.

ever since their company has changed a new ceo, the artist felt more relieve. she was not as strict as their previous ceo and actually cares for their feelings.

she understands that idols are humans as well who develops feelings for another person, which was why jisoo was constantly allowed to meet taehyung.

if anything should happen, both companies are ready to release an official statement.

"ugh did i tell you how much i love you and you only?" taehyung joked, before ruffling her hair, pulling her to his chest.

unlike the first time where he could hear his heartbeat pounding loudly, this one was a calm one.

"tae." she raised her head, to get his attention.


"i didn't prepare a present this year, you wouldn't mind, right?" she was worried that she would start to think of her as a gold digger, who only receives presents and not give any.

"of course i mind!" he joked a little.

"how many times did i tell you that you are my present? now, i am getting serious. you got to take all of the bad thoughts out of your mind and remember that you are the best present i ever had."

they are indeed made for each other.

"now shall we sleep? its not early? late? whatever, lets sleep. come closer to me else i would be missing it again."

she snuggled closer to him, with her hands on his core, drifting to sleep.

word count : 912

i said a lil narration but here i have 912 words 💀 i guess the next chapt would be narration too but it can be a pain in my butt / @$$ at times 🥴

and i kinda had a lil inspo for this chapt last night somehow and yes, here it is

and in case it was unclear for the prev chapt, they all stayed up till 12am for his birthday.

and i was thinking if i should add a lil spice for this book or make everything go smoothly 🧐

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