only you

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requested by; Dorbyn4ever

corbyn rested his phone against a stack of jordan's textbooks that were rested on top of the island so the camera got a clear view of him. he smiled at the tired boy through the screen, cutely resting the side his head in his palm as his elbow supported his upper half on the counter. "yeah, once you wake up and stuff you should come over," corbyn laughed.

daniel rubbed his droopy eyes and yawned, "i will," he groaned, "jus give me like eight years."

"no, no, get your ass out of bed! it's already three in the afternoon daniel. plus the boys and some of our other friends are coming and we're going to swim, eat, drink, have a fire. cmon, hurry up and get over here sleepy!"

corbyn watched as daniel sat up, exposing his bare chest which was once covered by the blankets. he faced the camera towards the ceiling and began shuffling around as corbyn whined, "hello mr.ceiling, do you know where daniel went?"

"shut the fuck up," daniel laughed, picking the phone back up, "oh and by the wa-"

the ring of the doorbell drew corbyn's attention away from the blond. he peered his head around the wall to view the front door and smiled at the brunette girl he saw on the other side. "i gotta go dani, lera is here," he announced, beginning to walk toward the foyer, "see you later though. bye!"

corbyn abruptly ended the call and shoved his phone back into his pocket. "hey ler!" he exclaimed, welcoming her into the home.

"hey bestie," she giggled. he took the treys of food from her hands and brought them to the kitchen as she followed close behind, "those are just some cookies and the smaller plate is some fruit. oh and i also made some cookies without the chocolate for daniel."

corbyn smiled, "your the best."

"hey, you made it!" jonah exclaimed, allowing daniel to enter the house. the blond murmured something and brushed passed the older boy into the slightly crowded home. he kept his eyes peeled for a certain green eyed boy, looking left and right until he spotted another cluster of people outside.

"daniel!" zach called, running over to the boy, "i need you to hel-"

"not now zach," he sighed.


"hey, make yourself useful and tell me where corbyn is."

zach dramatically gasped, "your so mean to me daniel," he rolled his eyes, "but he's out by the pool with lera and jack."

daniel didn't hesitate to whip the sliding glass door open. he pushed through the small crowd of people standing by the barbecue and finally got a view of the brunet he had been looking for. he licked his lips and rolled his neck before striding over to him.

my god, he's shirtless...and his veins, and his...daniel calm down.

"look who decided to roll out of bed," corbyn chuckled. he raised the beer bottle to his lips and took a long swig of it, "come sit."

a sensation of heat ran through daniel's blood as he watched corbyn and lera playfully splash each other. corbyn eventually grew tired of the war and hopped into the pool after the girl, dunking her under the water.

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