Cult: Day 5

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  Having to recruit people to our cause is one of the freakiest things I think I've ever had to be a part of. Unfortunately, my parents were in charge and they wanted people to keep believing we were their rulers, their gods, their whatever they needed. It could become cult-like sometimes. All I wanted was to keep trying to be normal and blend in. This year, I'd finally convinced them to allow me into young human society and my first day was tomorrow. I'd been consuming as much pop culture as I could but honestly, it was a lot; things changed every day! With the internet, don't even get me started. Maybe I was developing a FOMO, as they call it. My parents were worried that I would, "turn into one of them" and lose my godliness. I wasn't the least bit concerned. I didn't want to be here, looked at the way I was or talked about the way I was. I just wanted to be, to vibe, you know? The kind of people my parents attracted were fake, they weren't genuine and even though my parents knew this, they still kept them around.

I have to entertain their children, avoiding physical contact with the guys, gals, and the non-binary. Being around people, humans that I didn't have a care for could be taxing, in the least. They were such an enigma though, boring and yet fascinating all at once sometimes. Anyway, a touch to my skin could have them infatuated with me quicker than a rabbit scratching a sexual itch. I didn't used to mind at all, most of the reactions would be harmless and innocent. But as I got older and matured, so did their infatuations. My parents loved that kind of thing, for themselves. For me, they told me to be careful in case I ended up attracting someone I couldn't shake. That would open up a completely different world of headache before having to deal with them. Getting used to my powers and what I could do, had been no easy task. Lust was a powerful drug indeed. Having the ability to feed off of it could be a blessing and sometimes a curse.
My parents were hosting another party tonight, but this time they were extending the invite to young human society as well, specifically the same exact university I was set to attend tomorrow. Scowling, I adjusted my dress shirt collar as I peered at myself in the mirror. Nothing out of the ordinary here, outside of my slightly and barely noticeable pointed ears. It didn't matter as my short, curly hair covered the tips of them. Even if someone noticed and pointed them out, they aren't nearly as pointy as our ancestors were. The small point to them was quickly quelled by the roundness that made up the majority of our ears.
   My golden brown eyes stared back at me as I blinked, bringing myself back to the present just as a knock sounded on my door. Raising my gaze in the mirror to peer at the door, Riel, my brother, leaned against my doorway as he stared me down, giving me a once over. "A deep blue will be your shirt tonight then, sister?" His voice a deep tenor as it filled my living quarters.

   I gazed at him, noticing his dark red shirt amongst his dull brown eyes. Riel wore his hair down, waves of pitch black hair covering his shoulders. "A deep red for you I see, brother. Tell me, what men do you think you'll lure to your bed tonight?" My voice held a tinge of arrogance, knowing he had had trouble with his power lately.
   Riel scowled at me, straightening his shirt in a nervous fashion. "This isn't a competition, Tempest. We will both have our meals tonight, I'm sure. But neither of us will work up such an appetite as our parents." He fell silent at that, mulling over things.
   The frown on my face deepened as I thought about our parents. "I don't think either of us will ever work up such an appetite as them." Looking away from the mirror, I faced my brother. "How many did they have last time? Ten a piece? Making that a total of twenty various sexualities and identities. Not that any of those things ever mattered to them, given what they are, what we are. Although brother, you and I are much more selective, aren't we?" I couldn't keep the smile off my face as those last words left my mouth.
   Running my tongue over the small points in my mouth, I walked towards my brother, grabbing my black vest out of the nearby closet as I went.  Sliding it over my shoulders and settling it against my body, I slid past Riel and headed towards our entertainment room. Riel silently followed behind me, his taller presence at my back. My ears twitched as I heard the fabric of his clothing rustle against him as he followed.
   "What kind of women do you think you'll see tonight, Tempest? Best not make a fool of yourself tonight lest you see some of them on the morn of your first day." Riel's voice was soft behind me, his power flowing around me. Instinctually, I tensed as I felt his power rove over me.
   "Stop it, I don't need you meddling in my affairs." Anger grabbed hold of my tongue as I stomped towards a nearby nest of pillows and plopped down, looking up at my brother as he moved to find his own section. "Do I meddle in yours dear brother? Do I not intercede when our parents demand more from you because you only choose to be with one at a time? You will not mess with me this night, or any other night after I start university. This is my path, my choices, and I won't have anyone mess that up for me." I felt my power begin to leak out, my eyes starting to glow and I know what my brother sees in them as he tenses and looks away from my gaze, my power affecting him much like he tried to do to me. For him though, I knew it not only made him uncomfortable, but also almost sick to his stomach as his body rebelled against my power.
   "Enough, Tempest. Let your brother be." My father's strong voice echoed through the room and I swallowed my power back into myself. My father walked into the room seconds later, wearing a slim, black overcoat with a high collar and a white dress shirt underneath, barely buttoned. Mother followed suit, her dreadlocks flowing to the middle of her back. She also wore a white blouse, fashioned the same as my father's. But with Mother, she had a tie around her neck, untied. Knowing what it was for, I looked away from her and began to pick at my nails.
   I sensed something flying towards me and I caught it without looking up. Bringing it to my face, I stared at the blue phone I now held. "Your father and I will need to be able to communicate with you via normal means. Consider this a gift, but you must answer us when we call or we will drag you back home." My mother's voice was a little breathy and what alluded to that, I pushed to the back of my mind. Not responding to my mother, I tucked the phone into my airspace. Think of it as a witch's bag that never had a bottom, but it's a pocket of space. Nothing that was as visible as a bag. This allowed me to wear my clothes as form fitting and tailored as I wanted without messing up any seams.
   Laying back against the pillows, I took a deep breath of air, letting my body relax as my father turned on some music to match the atmosphere we wanted. Or that they wanted I should say. These parties were wearing on both my brother and I. They typically began late in the evening and could run into early morning, right before the sun rose. That was the weekends though, tonight fell on a weeknight with university tomorrow. Due to that, early evening until just after midnight were the official hours of the night. Waving a drink server over, I grabbed a glass of wine and took a few gulps from it. Leaning back against the pillows, I made myself comfortable, stretching myself out as I began to coax my power to the surface. People were starting to come in and group off, some finding familiar partners amidst the crowds while others were lured alone to dark spaces. One of my regulars came over to sit in my lap, calling over a couple of her friends in the process.

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