Chapter 45 | Yakuza |

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*Ian keeps following Kangaeta, as they walk up to the restaurant Ian stops in his tracks as he looks at the restaurant*

*Kangaeta walks over to the side door. He opens the door and reaches inside to the nightstand.*

"You live here? At the best restuarant in town?" *Ian asks walking up*

"The owners daughter found me on the beach a week ago... they took me in and helped me... so I am trying to pay them back. And they are being nice and letting me stay here as I don't have a home"
*Kangaeta says grabbing his old #5 mask.*

*Ian looks at the mask and chuckles* "A plague mask? What you into that doomsday stuff like my step mom was?"

"Nope... I was the fifth member of Nazupesu Dōmei"
*Kangaeta says picking up a rock. He then starts scratching the 5 off.*

"The Nazu-who now?" *Ian tilts his head to the side*

"A... a Vigilante group currently in that was stationed in Musutafu... but maybe in Tokyo now"
*Kangaeta says as the 5 is removed.*

"Never heard of them." *Ian says*

"That's a bit of a surprise."
*He says as the leather starts to scrap off.*

*Ian shrugs*

*The leather comes off to reveal metal underneath. Kangaeta sighs and puts the mask on his hip and drops the rock.*

*Ian looks at him with a small smirk* "So you're telling me that you were part of a Vigilante group back in Tokyo? Dang kid, all I ever accomplished in life was scoring an office job for a major tech company."

"That's better honestly... we were... they are the top targets for the government attacks..."
*Kangaeta sighs*

*Ian laughs* "That's right down with the government! Stick it to the man! Haha!"

*Kangaeta chuckles and they start walking.*

*Ian leads the way to the place, which is a long walk from the restuarant*

*Kangaeta frowns a bit as they walk.*

"What troubles you kid?" *Ian asks noticing Kangaetas frown*

"It's just far..."
*Kangaeta says as they around a corner.*

" kinda is, it's a bar on the outskirts of town..but it's got a reputation of being filled with ex convicts..also the place doesnt open until the sun goes down." *Ian says*

*Kangaeta squints a bit thinking.*

*Ian chuckles a bit*

"What time does it open specifically?"
*Kangaeta says*

"9pm then closes at 5am.." *Ian says*

"Oh it opened a hour and a half ago"
*Kangaeta says looking at a clock tower in the distance*

*Ian nods, as they spot a run down building in the distance* "Ah there it is."

*Kangaeta quickly slips the mask on.*

*Ian gulps nervously* "You sure about this?"

"I'll head down... you Leave, but what's your name first?"
*Kangaeta says.*

"I'm Ian." *Ian smiles*

"Alright... I'll look for files and what not for you."
*He says heading down to the building.*

*Ian nods to him*

*Kangaeta walks up to the building.*

*Theres a metal door on the side that looks rusted and old*

*He walks up to the door and knocks on it.*

*The door opens to reveal a tall man with a huge scar over his eye* "welcome to the tavern.." *he speaks in a grunt*

*Kangaeta bows as he walks inside.*

*As Kangaeta enters he can see the inside of the bar doesnt match the outside. The inside of the bar has a huge TV hanging from the wall followed by a smaller TVs hanging from the ceiling showing every channel imaginable. There pool tables littered on the floor, and pachinko machines lined up against a wall. The bar sits comfortably in the middle of the tavern with stools all around it.*

*Kangaeta keeps walking around, his mask glitches as he scans people and the area.*

*As Kangaeta walks up to the bar, the bar tender walks over to him* "Pretty strange mask you got there.."

"So of it?"
*He says, the voice distorter glitching.*

*The bar tender chuckles a bit* "If it is a fight you're looking to start can you please take it out back, I have to clean up after you tough guys~"

"I'm not trying to fight..."
*Kangaeta says looking over the drinks on the wall.*

*They nod to him* "Good then what can I get for you new comer?"

"Just w-"
*The masks glitches and cuts him off.*

*The bar tender snorts* "Come again?~"

*Kangaeta sighs*

"Alright but you better try my custom drinks menu." *They say grabbing a glass filling it with a ball of ice*

"I shouldn't get drunk. Not with the job I have"
*He says the distorter cutting in and out slightly.*

"Oh is that so?" *They say as they poor out water from a pitcher, then putting a lemon slice in the side*

"Yep... I have to get some information... then maybe whack a couple of guys"
*He says as he grabs the water.*

*The bar tender chuckles a bit* "That's like every friday night here."

*Unknowing to Kangaeta one of the masks eyes zooms in and the dark room lighting glitches off.*

"So what's with the mask?" *The bar tender ask taping their finger on one of the lenses*

*The lens glitches on and pulls back in.*
"Oh... it's damaged... I can't get it fixed..."

*The bar tender tilts their head curiously* "Ah.."

*Kangaeta grabs the cup and looks it over. He then sticks the beak into the water. It starts to pull in the water. But as it pulls in, the mask starts to produce a bit of steam on the sides.*

*The bar tender watches him* "So where you from?"

"I cant disclose that for safety"

*They nod* "Understandable-" "MAX! THE TOLIET IS BACK UP AGAIN!" *A man calls out from the restroom* *The bar tender growls at them* "WELL THEN USE THE DAMN PLUNGER! I UNCLOGGED IT LAST TIME!"

"Sounds like you have some fun ahead"

*Max turns their attention back to Kangaeta* "Eh, that's all I ever do in this place, clean, serve drinks, and kick out passed out drunks."

"Sounds like fun"
*Kangaeta chuckles*

*Max smiles down at him* "It pays the bills if the owner remembers to give me my paycheck."


"Let's just say I have to basically beg at his feet to get my paycheck..he doesnt like us immigrants..." *Max sighs*

"Hm.. why not-"
*The guys yells.*

"IN A FUCKING SECOND IM TALKING HERE!" *Max yells then sighs* "He doesnt like immigrants from anywhere outside of Japan, I escaped here from Russia..he knows that took 3 years to gain his trust to be a bar tender."


*Max sighs heavily* "But I have to give him credit for giving me a second chance at life, I was just a man on the run from the Russian government.."

*Kangaeta nods as he walks off.*


-Dark Void-
"I hope I didn't piss off someone cranky, then got into a scuffle"
*A mans voice echoes*


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