The past and the present. Are they really all that different?

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Fourteen years ago, a little girl was born. Unbeknownst to her parents of course. She had red curls adorning her head and the most sparkling blue eyes. She was a healthy, bouncing baby with no signs of any illnesses. Yet at her birth, she was given up. It was for her own safety, yet she didn't know that.

When she was just days old, she had been abducted from the care home she was given too. Her kidnappers had thrust her into the hands of the Red Room.  This in itself was practically a death wish. The Red Room had never forgiven her mother for her betrayal, therefore they intended to take it out on her daughter.

They beat her to the bone, trained her till she dropped and conducted thousands of blood curdling, heart wrenching experiments on her. Never did she get a days rest or the chance to be a child. Every pain-staking day, the Red Room would carry out their vengeful retribution on her, and she didn't know why.

She had never been told who her parents were. For all she knew they could be dead or a King and Queen of some foreign country. Yet each night, she would dream about her parents coming to rescue her. When she was little, she never believed that her parents gave her up, but as she grew older, her faith grew less till she had none left at all. It was obvious to her as her 13th birthday came and went, full of torture and blood, she would never get out by waiting for someone to rescue her.

From there, each night, she planned her escape. She studied the guards patterns, assessed all the threats she knew of and every once in a while, so she wouldn't be noticed, she would take a gun or a knife from the training room. She would be prepared and she would get out.

This continued for a year, till, by that time she had a small arsenal, knew all the guards patterns and had the perfect escape route etched into her brain. 

On the night of her 14th birthday, she put her plan into action. At 10 o'clock, she picked the lock on her cell door, took out the two guards standing at her door and crawled into the vents. For 5 minutes she took turn after turn, her knees started to bleed and her asthma was playing up, but she continued. After about a mile, she looked down. She was directly above the main entrance. From here the gaits, deliveries and mainly the exit was controlled.

However due to her rigorous planning, she knew all the weaknesses of the guards in the room. With a warrior worthy battle cry, she leaped from the ceiling and onto the nearest guard. With flashes of silver and streaks of red, the battle was over in a matter of seconds. All the guards lay dead at her feet, as she stood in the center of the room. As she turn to flee, a sharp pain in her chest caused her to double over. Looking down she her white shirt had read blooming on it. There was a stab wound in her chest and a bullet hole in her torso.

With a defiant grunt, she pushed through the pain and smacked the button that controlled the exit on the wall. Turning on her heel, the alarm started to screech. Therefore, according to her mental clock, she had seven minuets to get out, or get shot. Again.

Fleeing down the halls, she shot at guards and hurdled over obstacles. With the exit in sight, she thought she was going to make it out. How wrong she was. With a smash her trainer and owner dropped from the ceiling. His eyes flashing red, he charged, head down, firing a machine gun. Now come on, that's got to be cheating!, was all that could go through her mind before she felt her body being shredded by hundreds of bullets.  

All she remembered from then was falling to the ground. Then a pair or ice cold hands picking her up at the throat and throwing her across the hall.

Into the snow outside. 

Before she could even register that she was free, her world went black as she bled out in the winter snow.

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