The first time you met

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Things just Incase if your not quite familiar with these

(Y/n) ^your name^
(H/c) ^hair color^

Anyways Please do Enjoy! ☺️ [btw this might have some bad language so if your quite young I do not intend too influence you to say these words]

(You walk into the new scouting legion commanders office to speak too hange zoë)
"Oh, welcome cadet you must be...erm (y/n) am I correct?" She says in slight confusion. "Yes" *you continue to salute in her presence* "anyway...what brought you to join the scouts? Is it because of shorty? I heard he's quite well known now because of the last expedition..." she asked with a quite soft voice. "Oh levi? Haven't you heard-? He's my older brother.." you said with a odd tone in your voice. "OH SHIT SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT THAT HE INFORMED ME EARLIER ABOUT THAT!" she said in quite a scared tone knowing Levi might find out sooner or later. "Pfft! Hahahaha! It's ok hange- OH M-my bad...I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name that is." You said sort of in a worried way. "Oh no worries cadet, I mean I don't mind even if said something Levi- would more than likely come after me." She continued in a reassuring voice.

~insert a noice time skip after talking too her~

Levi's pov:

I continued too walk down the hall going toward the mess hall until I saw a slightly taller figure round the corner "oh..(y/n)? How did it go with four-eyes, the fuck do you keep growing...-" he said with slight concern. The taller (h/c) haired figure began too laugh at my question, I continued to speak too the taller figure laughing in front of me. "Anyway since your here.. want too get some black tea? Or coffee which ever I suppose?" I said in a quite bored tone.
The taller figure nodded their head in agreement, I continued too show a quite small smile.

[hange then came running down the hall in quite a hurry] levi then spoke, "huh? Four-eyes what the fuck- I've never seen you run like that since you smacked Erwin...*sigh*uhm never mind forget I said that.." {although you had heard from Levi about what happened you sensed a sad and dark aura fill the hall} (your body shook feeling sad but you tried too change the vibe) "uhm anyway! You guys wanna go for a walk too get your minds off this?" You said quite worried knowing they might decline. Until one of them spoke it was hange " I mean...I does sound quite bit reassuring the aura in here is making me a bit uncomfortable..don't you think shorty?" She said with a quite comforting tone, soon after Levi agreed. |the sad aura left the hall making you feel a bit more comfortable| *you then gave off a soft smile to the both or them*

As soon as you guys had stepped out of the scouting legion head quarters you were all greeted by a cool comforting breeze

"Uwah~  it feels so comforting out here!" You said in a comfy tone. *you turned too look at hange hiding the bottom her face with her hand* [you and Levi looked at each other and then look at hange] "four-eyes? What the fuck are you doing?" Levi's questioned, hange then removed her hand from her face showing the light tint of pink on her cheeks. "Hange? Are you ok?" You said quite a bit concerned. Hange then moved her hand a bit reassuring she was just fine "ok? If you say so four-eyes.." Levi said as he spoke before you, "LEVIII I TOLD YOU TO USE MY NAMEEE" hange said angrily toward Levi {hange soon chased Levi down the path toward the forest both laughing} (you began to blush by hearing Hanges laugh) "adorable~" You whispered too your self before chasing them laughing.

~to be continued~

Ack- I feel like it's been foreverrrr uhm anywayzz this story sucksss if you enjoyed this then well I'm quite happy, but I am planning too continue this I suppose? It's really short Gomen I plan too make the next one longer hopefully anyways bye bye 🌸

Hange zoë x (gender neutral) readerWhere stories live. Discover now