Part 2 (What Happened?)

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Your POV

What happened? I look around and then noticed that I was in the nurse's office with my brother, who fell asleep. I nudged him a little causing him to jolt awake. 

Cross: "Sis your ok"

You: " Bro, did I pass out?'

Cross: " yes you did"

You: " That's not know this happens all the time I go to a new school....right?"

Cross: " Right"

 Cross and I talked for a little while before he needed to teach his class. Man, I hate school, I need to make some friends, and NOT get bullied because I'm a nerd. Well, I needed to make some friends I thought as a headed to art class. Mr. Ink was the teacher, he was always calm. What made the class, not as fun was the bastard who bullied me this morning, PJ.


I saw that girl again, what's her name? (Y/N)  Mr.Ink called out, oh, so that's her name (y/n). She kept getting in my way! She looked at me with hatred in her (e/c) eyes. Looks like she hates me now. I can't blame her though, after all, I was the one that bullied her. Then it was lunchtime the best part of the school day.

Your POV

Finally its lunch, I walked into the cafeteria and saw nerds, like me. They were all monsters a skeleton named Papyrus, a dinosaur named Alphys, and a skeleton named Fresh but I sat with them anyway. We talked for a while slowly getting to know each other and then I made three new friends. Now, this day is getting way better than it was 3 hours ago. I was still mad at PJ though, I officially hate him and his stupid friends.


I was just minding my own business when I saw (y/n) with 3 other nerds. I didn't hate (y/n) I despised her! Then my father Ink came over and said " I know you hate (y/n) but you need to learn that is not ok to bully others."After my father left I thought about what he had said, I am going to apologize to (y/n) about what I have done. I was gonna do it tomorrow ASAP.

Your POV

Math was the last class of the day the only class that PJ wasn't in. I felt so relieved, it felt like I was in a state of peace and happiness. My anger slowly melted away, Mabey PJ didn't mean to bully me..Mabey he was scared? 

------Time skip-----

After a little math was over I went to my brother's car which was a pearl white color and opened the passenger seat door. Then I saw PJ running towards me saying that he was sorry. It was very annoying so I accepted it even though I didn't want to. Then he ran over to his parents, Mr.Ink and Mr. Error. I can't wait to get some sleep!

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