Chapter One (part 2)

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A/N: I'm sorry but this chapter does involve a bit to do with cutting. Please don't hate me for it.

Yami: Here is the rest of chapter one that Danii so lovingly didn't write earlier like I asked her to.

Me: Gimme a break, I've been busy...

Seto: Doing?

Yami: Nothing.

Me:Well I will write the rest of it now.

Yugi: Shouldn't you be doing English Lit?

Me: one needs to know that.


I carry on walking with Joey matching his pace, step for step. All I can do is stare at my feet and wish the ground would swallow me whole. AH! What have I done! I've thrown away everything I loved! Or did I? Did I really ever love Seto or was I using him to try and forget about Yugi? Well, whatever it was, it didn't work. I breathe out heavily, unaware that I was holding my breath in the first place.

"What's wrong?" Joey asks, how that guy keeps his calm with me sometimes I don't know and I probably never will. 

"Ah, nothing" I say, crossing my right foot over my left and put my left hand on the back of my head. 

Joey then does something totally unexpected and the nest thing I register is my head hitting the wall of lockers as he has my collar bunched up in his hands. 

"Don'" he says slowly, making sure I hear every word and I can hear the hate in his voice and see the flames in his eyes. 

I sort my collar out and let my feet feel the floor again as I watch him walk away. Geez, what's his problem? I never thought something so insignificant could cause such harm. There's no-one in the corridor now, I suppose I can afford to miss first class, it's not like I love P.E or anything. I continue to proceed down the corridor, left hand outstretched behind me, feeling every bump in the row of lockers as I stare down as my shoes and look at the delicate splash of each tear that drops to the floor for the light to reflect off, however when I cast my eyes to the sky I am met with the dreary downpour of rain. It acts as I feel, splashing over people for no reason and just there to ruin everyone's day. 

I stand in front of my locker, am I really ready to look at the memories inside? I twist the key in the lock and stare at the pictures that decorate the back of the door. Pictures. Memories. Precious times. I stare at one of me, Seto and his little brother, Mokuba all pulling funny faces for the camera. There are other pictures of us all bowling and diving and similar things. I gently caress the faces of all of us in different pictures, and then proceed to rip them off and throw them on the floor. All this happiness. It's not meant for ME! I scream at myself. The only thing that remains are the ripped corners of those precious memories. 

I turn around and bang my fist on the lockers as I sink to the floor. I drag my knees in and place my head on my knees, locking my arms just below the knees while I let the tears fall freely, nothing matters anymore. I lift my head up, staring at the rain, trying to listen. I look at my wrists and pull out a short pocket knife. I press the blade down on my arm, wincing at the imaginary pain the beads of blood cause. I've been doing this for so long that I've forgotten what pain actually is, I make two crosses and then watch the rain pour down the window. I promised Seto I'd stop this and for the past 4 months, I have but now I have no reason. My life feels like nothing anymore. 

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