Chapter 4

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"My name is Joshua. It's nice to meet you."

He said with a smile. I couldn't help but to melt under his gaze. I quickly shake my head after realizing what I think and look at him. "What are you doing in my house? How did you follow me? Did-" I kept bombing him with questions and even some nonsense one.

The only response he just gave me was a small laugh and a smile while watching me. I noticed it right away and shut my mouth.

I really just embarassed myself infront of someone I just met huh?

"Wait.. are you a ghost or something?" I asked him. He gave me another laugh as he pats the air above my head. Well he did say he can't really touch a human. "You could say that. You're cute when you look curious." He said while looking at me with his signature smile.

My cheeks flush because of that compliment and I can't help but to cup my now red cheeks and look away. Damn this ghost (?) really flirting with me huh?

Wait no Mira no. Now its not the time.

"Why did you follow me here?" I said with a serious tone. I watch how his eyes widen a bit with my sudden tone and by just looking at my serious expression.

He slowly avoided my gaze as he rub the back of his neck. "You attracted me."


I attract a ghost?

"What do you mean I attract you? Is everywhere I go haunted? I don't remember going to a haunted place except-" I stop my words as I realized what I said. I didn't go to any haunted place, except for that classroom I went in.

"Are you the ghost that was in that haunted classroom at my school?" I asked. I watch how he look like he got taken back by my question. He hesitate a bit but still give me a small smile.

"It's getting late. You still got school tomorrow. Go to sleep okay?" He said as I watch him get up from my bed as he walk to the lightswitch, turning off the lights in my bedroom. I think I took it too far. I guess it was such a sensitive topic for him. I guess I will ask him another time.

I slightly flinch as I feel something pat my head. It feels small and soft. Its definitely not a human hand. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. I feel it got placed on my lap as I slowly run both of my hands on it. It was one of my teddy bears. Did he used one of my teddy bears to pat my head? I slowly brought it close to my chest as I lay on my bed. I let out a sigh as I feel the blanket pulled close to me.

"Sweet dreams" The same similar voice said to me as I slowly close my eyes, drifting to dreamland.

-------------NEXT DAY-----------

God damn alarm clock woke me up from my beauty sleep. After getting ready, I take my bag as I head downstairs. I head towards the kitchen and see two tall figures. One of course is my own brother whos making breakfast for me. I recognize his broad shoulders anywhere but who's the other figure? Definitely not my father. He is a bit shorter than Seokjin and usually in the morning, mum and dad will be out at work. The unknown figure turns to me as I see his face. The same face I saw last night.

Joshua. Thats his name right?

He give me a bright smile. I can't help but blush as I give him a small smile back. He let out a chuckle as he turn back to Seokjin, watching him cook. I watch how Seokjin did not even realized Joshua was right beside him. Looks like I'm the only one can see him huh?

I slowly take a seat, alarming Seokjin making him turn to me. "Morning little sis. How's your sleep? I heard from father you scream last night" Seokjin said as he puts a plate of waffles infront of me.

Shit I forgot that happened.

"O-Oh uhh.. I was very tired yesterday. I think I was hallucinating.." I lied. I awkwardly eat my waffles in silence, knowing Seokjin was staring at me. I feel him sitting down beside me as he pat my head. "Don't go hard on yourself alright? To me, you're the smartest person I know. You deserve a lot of rest little sis.." I sigh softly and nod my head.

"I will be alright. Don't worry about me.." I give him a reassuring smil as I continue eating my waffles.

"Want a ride to school?" He asked.

I shake my head as I get up and take the dirty plate, heading towards the sink. "Its fine. Jihoon will fetch me." I said while placing the dirty plate in the sink.

"Ah I see. Just leave the plate there. I don't want you to be late." Seokjin said. I nodded my head and wave him goodbye as I made my way out of the kitchen and leave the house, knowing Joshua followed me outside.

While waiting, I face Joshua. "You really just gonna follow me everywhere I go?" I said as I cross my arms over my chest. I watch him shrugs his shoulders and he smile at me.

God damn shit. Not that smile again.

"I'm a ghost. I don't really know what to do." He said.

"Does that means you followed me in the bathroom too?" I said as I raised an eyebrow at him. I watch how red his cheeks and ears became as he quickly shook his head. "O-Of course not!! I would never invade a girl's privacy!!" I chuckle at his reaction and grin.

"You better keep your words or not you're a pervert mister ghost." I said and watches him nod. Before he could say anything, a car pulled up infront of me. I watch the window from the driver seat pull down. Its not Jihoon.

My eyes widen a bit as I feel my cheeks getting heated and red. I watch as the man grin at me.

"Morning Mira. Jihoon said he will be late today so he called me to offer you a ride to school." He said.

It had to be him. You'll see Jihoon. You will earn a smack from me.

I quickly made my way to other side of the car and open the door, sitting at the passenger's seat as I close the door beside me.

"Thanks Jaewon for uh helping me." I said while looking down at my lap, playing with fingers.


Character Revealed:

🇯 🇺 🇳 🇬  ♡🇯 🇦 🇪 🇼 🇴 🇳 

🇯 🇺 🇳 🇬  ♡🇯 🇦 🇪 🇼 🇴 🇳 

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Age: 18

Information: a senior. Jihoon's close friend. Mira's crush????


I feel he pats my head as I start going red again. Gosh please don't notice my red face. "Its no big deal and don't be shy around me. You look like a tomato when your face is red." I jerk my head towards him and wanted to say something but stop, seeing his cute grin on his face.

I pouted my lips as I slowly look down again. This guy really knows how to make a girl blush huh?

I hear him chuckles as he started the car, driving to our school. But what I did not know that Joshua who was sitting at the back seat, silently watches everything happened.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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