Chapter 10

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Flashback Avenger POV

"MAMA! DADDY!" Diana cried, "I'll get her." I said as I got up, "Thank you, honey." Terra said.

"DADDY!" Diana cried as she flew over to me and clung to me, "What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked, "Daddy, I had a bad dream! You and Mama were gone and Superman was being really really mean" she cried, "It's alright, it was just a nightmare." I said as I picked her up and flew out the window up to the stratosphere, "It always seems more the always feels so silence grows under the moon...constellations gone so soon...I used to think that I was bold...I used to think love would be fun. Now my stories have been told- except for one. As the stars start to align...I hope you take it as a sign...that you'll be ok...everything will be ok. And if the leagues collide...although the day could be my will be ok. When I'm gone you will be ok. And when creation goes to die.. you can find me in the sky! Upon the last day...and you will be ok..." I sang as we watched the stars, "I promise you, your mother and I will never leave you and Superman's a good guy like me." I said, "Ok Daddy! I feel better now." she said happily, suddenly Metropolis exploded, "Oh my Gods." I said in shock, I quickly grabbed Diana and flew her back home and changed into my super suit, and flew to Metropolis.

I arrived just in time to watch Clark murder Joker, "Dad. The Man of Steel has gone rogue. Requesting the immediate assistance of the Injustice League." I said over the coms before I called Terra, 'Honey what's going on?! Diana is terrified!' Terra said worriedly, "Terra, stay home. Ignore all the orders you get from the league. If anyone gives you trouble, they will answer to me." I said before I hung up. "CLARK!" I said, "(y/n) (m/n) Prince. Is that any way to talk to your father?" Clark said, "You are not my father. My father isn't a murderer." I said before he flew at me and before I could react we crashed through my house and I was impaled on a piece of debris, "(Y/N)!" Terra said worriedly, "RUN!" I said, suddenly Clark grabbed her, "The child of a villain is also a villain. However I will give you one chance. Join me in my crusade to exterminate every villain." he said, suddenly Terra jammed her claws into the side of his throat, "Very well." Clark said before he crushed her neck, "MAMA!" Diana cried, "DIANA YOU RUN NOW! GO FIND GRANDMA!" I shouted, "MEANIE! GIVE MAMA BACK!" she cried before shooting her heat vision at Clark hitting him in the chest. "It would seem you take after your mother and grandmother." Clark said before he broke her neck. "NOO!" I cried, suddenly Dad tackled Clark through the wall, I pulled myself off the wall and ran over to my family.

A week later we had the funerals. "We'll get him (y/n) he'll pay for what he's done." Dad said, "I want him dead. But I can't kill him because of your stupid code!" I said, "You're only saying that because you're hurting. It will get better, I promise." Mom said before I flew up to space. I destroyed asteroid after asteroid before I destroyed a massive one with my heat vision revealing billions of stars forcing me to remember looking at the very same stars with Diana. "I refuse to let this be their fate! I'll bring them back, even if it means my death!" I said

End flashback Diana POV

"I spent the next three years researching time travel until finally, I resorted to drastic measures." Avenger said, "I forced Fate to send me here to fix everything." he said, "Honey, I'm so sorry." I said, "I know he hasn't done anything yet, but I just can't forgive him!" he said, suddenly red lights turned on and Bruce shot him with several darts knocking him out. "Clark you are definitely not getting custody now!" I said, "How! I can't be held responsible for something I didn't do!" Clark said, "Because, hearing that story made me realize that you are only one step away from becoming a killer." I said, "And Bruce what's this Injustice League?" I asked, "Something that you don't need to worry about yet." Bruce said before he left.

"I'LL KILL HIM!" Avenger shouted as he woke up, "Good morning. We did some digging, and Wally didn't do anything. The amount of speed it would take for him to go back in time is far greater than what he's capable of at this point. Maybe in another five to ten years, he'd be able to with some sort of assistance. But I think I know what changed. About a month or so back a different version of (y/n) replaced him here on our Earth. His name was (y/n) Stark, son of a man named Tony Stark." I said, "Not possible, in every version of Earth that has a (y/n) I am always the child of you and Clark." he said, "Which means I can't fix anything." he said sadly, "Not true, you can fix one thing." Bruce said, "What's that?" Avenger asked, "Yourself. You're angry, take time to grieve and if that's too difficult then I have the perfect way for you to vent." Bruce said before he left.

Bruce POV

"I've had enough time to grieve, it didn't help. Let's see what you've got." Avenger said, "Hand over your suit." I said, "Why?" he asked, "Because you aren't Avenger anymore. It's time for you to become someone new." I said as I pressed a button revealing a new suit.

A/N: What should Avenger's new hero name be?

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