Chapter 3- Route 1, New Pokémon's and Viridian City

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Bolt- (Ashley and Bolt have been traveling on route 1 for a good four hours until Bolt had enough and asked what happened back in pallet town to make her so sad) Ashley, Why were you sad before we left Pallet Town? (Remember: Ashley can understand all Pokémon's so it sounds English to her but to everyone else it sounds like they saying the species name)

Ashley- My mom tried to stop me from going this morning, I told her I was still going, she said if I do not to come back. (Bolt looked at Ashley and jumped into her arms)

Bolt- It's not your fault, your mom should of supported you... (Ashley wanted to changed the subject but couldn't think of anything until an abnormal size Pidgey)

Ashley- Let catch a new family member. (Bolt jumped in front of her ready to battle) Pidgey I challenge you to a battle. (Pidgey looked at Bolt and you and nodded) Alright, Bolt Thunder. (Bolt obeyed, Pidgey dodged and perform Air Slash, which Pikachu dodged knowing you didn't want him hurt) free for all bolt! We need to hurry (Bolt looked happy and quickly sent thunder shock followed quickly by Rain Dance and Water Cannon which made Pidgey stop in shock which made the attacks hit and Ashley caught The Pidgey. you released Pidgey out of the Poké ball and quickly healed it, while you were healing it you found out that your Pidgey was female) Would you like a nickname?

Pidgey- Yes (Pidgey said moving it's wing)

Bolt- She understands us, don't need to do that.

Pidgey- She does?

Ashley- Yes I do... how about Gusty?

Pidgey- No

Ashley- Skye?

Pidgey- No

Ashley- Sora?

Sora- Yes.

Ashley- ok... Sora do you mind battling, you see my dream is to become a Pokémon master and to do that I have to win first place in any region league and finish the Pokedex and scan every Kanto Region Pokémon which I forgot to scan the both of you with. (She pulled out her national pokedex and scanned Pikachu)

Pokedex- Pikachu that can generate powerful electricity have cheek sacs that are extra soft and super stretchy. Your Pikachu is Male and Electric type. Your Pikachu knows Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Iron Tail, Spark, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Agility, Slam, Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Thunder Punch, Water Cannon, Rain Dance, Dig, Nuzzle, Protect, Absorb, Discharge, Electric Terrain, and Helping hands, Your Pikachu also has Fake Out, Charge and Disarming Voice as egg moves which are unlocked.

Ashley- When did you learn helping hand?

Bolt- Mr. Mime. (You nodded and scanned Pidgey with your pokedex)

Pokedex- Pidgey are very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back. Your Pidgey is Female and Flying/Normal type. Your Pidgey has the ability Keen Eye. Your Pidgey knows Gust, Steel Wing, Twister, Agility, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Hurricane, Mirror Move, Protect, Sunny day and Aerial Ace. Your Pidgey also has Air Slash, Air Cutter and Foresight as egg moves only Air Slash is unlocked. (Ashley looked at Pidgey confused)

Sora- I had a trainer before but he was abusive, he released me when I didn't evolved after he trained me after he got his Charmander to attack me about 5 mouths ago close to pallet town.

Ashley- I'm so sorry that happened to you, do you know his name?

Sora- Damien... I let you caught me because I saw that you were kind hearted and when Bolt was missing you never stopped caring about the other Pokémon's. (Ashley just smiled at her happy and touched Sora)

Ashley- Welcome to the family...

Bolt- We should catch some water Pokémon, Pewter City Gym is the Rock Gym... And Viridian Gym only takes trainers with 7 Badges (You smiled at Bolt and nodded gently after petting Sora)

Ashley- Ok. (They found the pond, Ashley seen Misty and used her powers to read her mind to see she was really selfish, unkind and mean but also thinking that Ashley should not be at her hidden fishing spot. Ashley ignored her and started fishing after eating lunch, Ashley must of fished for 5 minutes when she caught something she bought them to see 2 shiny Magikarp, she asked them to join her family and surprisingly they accepted with no battled. You caught the two Magikarp smiling happily but frowned after Misty thoughts hit you, you started fishing again wanting to capture another water Pokémon, you must of fished for another 25 minutes when you caught a Staryu which you could tell was powerful, you noticed Misty reaching for her Pokéball but before she could throw her you caught Staryu after using telepath for permission. you packed your stuff not noticing Misty's growing angry. you were walking away when the two Gyradaos pop out of the water angrily, Misty started screaming while you just ran away faster knowing Pikachu and Pidgey couldn't fight at their level. You didn't care that Misty was calling you a coward and trying to fight the two... You were 30 minutes away from Viridian City when something tackled you but you luckily caught your balanced, you looked down to see it was a Riolu, you felt your Aura settled down) I guess your my Aura Partner?

Riolu- Yep, I'm Aurora. (Ashley smiled at her and scanned Aurora)

Pokedex- Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon. A Fighting type. Riolu can understand how people and Pokémon feel by observing a kind of wave called aura. It has a flexible body with enough power to cross three mountains and two canyons in one night. Riolu is a female and a fighting type. Your Riolu knows Aura Sphere, Telepath, Aura Punch, Quick Attack, Dig, Brink Break, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Agility, Quick Guard, Rock Smash, and Metal Claw. Your Riolu also has Toxic, Hidden Powers and Ice Punch as egg moves, Ice Punch is the only one stilled locked.

Aurora- Riley and his Lucario Taught me! (Ashley looked at Aurora confused) They brought me here.

Ashley- If they're brought you here, where are...

Riley- Aurora! (Ashley could hear someone calling you and coming close to you, they came into your sight, Lucario looked ready to fight, you and Riley tensed looking at each other) Let Aurora go! (Pikachu went and stood in front of you, you could feel Riley felt over protective over Aurora and worried and the feeling of not wanting to lose Aurora so soon. When he saw Bolt, he tensed more) Lucario, Quic...

Ashley- Bolt. (Bolt looked at you to see you looked at him with calm down look, you used telepath and told Bolt what Riley was feeling he went but also used telepath to say goodbye to Aurora. Bolt went and climbed onto your shoulder with your help after you put Aurora down gently, he nuzzled your cheek which made you feel loved but didn't show it. You known Aurora was your Aura Partner but also known Riley wouldn't let you take her, Aurora known the same which made her sad knowing her Aura partner was leaving with out her. You walked away from Riley and Lucario, you whistled loudly which made Sora come to you.) Which way to Viridian City, Sora? (You said softly)

Sora- (Sora pointed straight, which made you nodded gently and walked straight. when you were out of Riley view Ashley looked into the sky to see Ho-Oh and smiled brightly, you heard a Pokémon cry, you ran to see Poachers cornering a Ponyta without Pokémons which you found a little stupid)

Ashley- Bolt Thunder wave, Pidgey Quick Attack! (The attacks hit the Poachers knocking them out, you looked at the Ponyta to see it was young, it looked scared and you could see I was hurt pretty bad, you felt your aura turned angry but only slightly, you felt tears falling from your eyes) Hey, it's ok your safe now... but we have to get you to the Pokémon center little Ponyta (Ponyta whined not wanting to go) otherwise you could die, your to heavily injured. (you said softly walking closer to Ponyta and pulling out a heal ball which made Ponyta flinched back) If I don't catch you Ponyta, you won't make it to the Pokémon center... please (you said crying, Ponyta nodded you caught the Ponyta and ran towards Viridian city not realizing Riley had been watching you and had felt your Aura, Riley had called the police when he seen the poachers cornering Ponyta)

Ashley's Pokémon's (M) Male (F) Female

Bolt (M) Pikachu

Sora (F) Pidgey

Mythical (F) Shiny Magikarp

Poseidon (M) Shiny Magikarp

Aqua (F) Staryu

??? (M) Ponyta

Aurora (F) Riolu (Ashley's Aura Partner but not Ashley's Pokémon yet)

Author Notes

She will be meeting Lt. Surge, Gary and Giovanni in this book but won't be meeting her others mates until Johto and Hoenn Journey. She thinks Gary rejected her knowing she was his soulmate...

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