Different You, Same Fate

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Gavin x Reader

Gavin : Alright. Movie checked, projector checked...

_____ : Popcorn and drinks, check! *you place the popcorn and soda drink onto the coffee table*

Gavin : *chuckles* Looks like everything's ready.

_____ : Great! *You jump on the sofa and Gavin sits next to you.*

Gavin : Look whose so excited for the movie. *He took the CD case for the movie and reads the title.* 'How To Train Your Dragon'. Is this a trilogy?

_____ : Yup. There're 3 movies. There's also a series in Netflix but we'll just focus on the 3 movies for tonight.

Gavin : Since when are you into animation? 

_____ : Since they won the Oscar's. I just had to watch it to get some inspiration for my future shows. Only then can I take over Loveland TV station in the next 2 years. 

Gavin : Alright... Stop thinking about work. Tonight is our night.

_____ : Okay.

*The movie begins and you select the first movie. The opening seemed scary and you instinctively held Gavin's hand a bit tighter.*

Gavin : Scared?

_____ : No.

*Then the sound of dragons came roaring through the speakers and you were in immediate shock as just how much destruction had happened just at the start of the movie. Then the narrator introduces himself as Hiccup.*

_____ : He's so...small. And somewhat cute.

*In the scene where Gobber picks up Hiccup with his hook, you cried out laughing.*

_____ : Hahahaha! Is he really that light to carry? Huh... And at first I thought that this movie was terrifying.

*You picked up the popcorn on the coffee table and starts munching on it. You then just noticed that Gavin wasn't looking at the movie but you.*

_____ : What?

Gavin : Nothing. *Blushes.*

_____ : *An idea came up.* Hey, Gavin. Catch this with your mouth. *You throw the piece of popcorn at Gavin and he catches it in his mouth.*

_____ : Did you get it?

Gavin : *Still munching on the popcorn* Mmm. It tastes good.

_____ : Really? You know this is actually my first time making it.

Gavin : And it's delicious. *He takes another piece from the bag.* Now, you have a try catching it.

_____ : Uh.... Okay.

Gavin : Ready?

_____ : Yup!

*Gavin throws the popcorn but you missed.*

_____ : Aww... I missed.

Gavin : That's okay. We'll try again later. It's already the middle part of the movie.

_____ : Huh? *You look at the screen and it was already the scene of Hiccup's training to become a dragon killer. The two of you silently continue to watch the movie until the end. By the time it's the end credits, you tug at Gavin's sleeve.*

Gavin : What is it?

_____ : I just had a thought.

Gavin : Yes?

_____ : If I was as fierce as Astrid, would you still come for me or....would you be afraid of me?

Gavin : Why would you suddenly think that?

_____ : Well, in animation, everything is based on the directors imagination. So, in this movie, she's lucky to still have Hiccup liking her even when she's really, really fierce because of the directors. But in real life, if it was me, you might not want to come to me if I was like her.

Gavin : What makes you say I wouldn't come to you? People always say that I'm fierce and yet you came to me.

_____ : But I was afraid of you before.

Gavin : And yet you still came to me. We took it slowly but we both managed to be so close to each other now.

_____ : Would you like it if I be like her?

Gavin : I like you just the way you are.

_____ : That's not what I meant! *You became upset, turned around and curled yourself on the sofa with the blanket. He was surprised of your action and froze for a moment. Finally understand what you meant, he slowly creeps up from behind you and hugs you. He whispered in your ear.*

Gavin : No matter what you're like, I will always come for you.

*You soften up a bit and turn around but still won't look at him.*

Gavin : If other guys wouldn't dare to come near you, I would. The same how you came to me when others wouldn't.

*You then remembered the first time you met him. You were very much afraid of him and kept having memories of him being a bully in school. But when you got closer to him, you found out the truth that he did all those things was because he wanted to fulfill the justice in his heart and possibly, he might have protected you from behind the scenes before. You then hugged him back and smiled. The two of you continued with the movie. Soon after the third movie started, you fell asleep on the sofa with your head leaning on his shoulder.*

Gavin : Silly girl.

*By the end of the movie, Gavin turned off the projector and carried you to bed. He tucked you in and caresses your hair. He remembers a day in high school. That day, you were on your way home from school. Gavin was able to spot the few members of a real gangster group in school and knew about their plan to attack you. So, he came to the alley way that was on route to your home. He protected you that day but when you saw him in the alley way, you ran away, scared. He chuckled seeing how different things are now and kisses your forehead.*

Gavin : No matter what, I will always come for you. Good night.

*He slept next to you that night, dreaming of being with you, always.*


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