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Comment naman kayo sino ipaparyner ko kay Wendy, wala ako maisip....

(A throwback for awhile.)

Rosie's Pov

As Lisa left me and and Jisoo already has feelings for each other. She's already courting me and when Lisa left without anything she was there comforting and making me feel alright. She always drink with Jackson, Jeongyeon and I. She's doing her best even though she's already graduating. She's always there all throughout.

Until a year passed, I felt like I can't get enough of Jisoo, she's always giving her best in terms of our relationship. We fight a lot but that's normal because after some time and enough space and persuasion our relationship is fixed, until we had a date on a park, there were couples, parents and of course kids. I suddenly thought that time that I wanted a child rather children. I want it with her. I told her one time that I wanted to have kids and she just laugh at me. She already graduated that time because she's two years ahead of me. After a week she told me she got a business meeting and her parents wanted her to go there and she can't say no so I told her that whatever happens if she's going back to me I'll support her.

She hot a lot of meetings that time. I was so confuse and starting to doubt so I didn't talk to her for awhile. But after a week when she came back she told me that I'm the only one and there's no ne else aside from me.

A few weeks passed and she told me that she got a business meeting again. And when she came back, she ask me if I really wanted a child. I ask her if she got impregnated by a man on the other country and she refuse so hard at me. She ask me again if I wanted a child and I gladly said yes even if I'm just graduating I know we can make it.  A job is already waiting for me after I study because of our family business, which is hotels and malls.

Jisoo have me a pregnancy test and an ultrasound picture. I was shock so I started crying.

"So you really got impregnated by a man?!" I exclaimed shouting at her.

"No, really" she told and went closer.

"I thought you love me, that you are contented to our relationshipp?" I ask in frustration.

"Of course, you're the only one." she told and hug me.

"This baby is ours, when I was having meetings outside the country that's also the time that the process happened. I love you so much and I want children with you." she told sincerely, I was touch at her confession. I run to her and kissed her lips with so much affection.

" That's why you are asking me if I wanted a child. "I stated and she laugh and nodded.

" I love you"i said and kiss her neck.

"I love you more than anything." she told and we kissed.

That kissed ended up in bed, bodies entangled with each other.

"That was insane." Jackson said as he heard the story of how me and Jisoo got a child.

"Mommy Jisoo" Lisa said with her baby voice and she also pouting.

"Mooommmyyy!" Jeongyeon said and jump at Jisoo. Thankfully I am holding our child or else he's the patty on the burger.

"Mooommmyyy!" the other two exclaimed and hug the two.

"Ehem!" Irene unnie cough fakely.

Jennie, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri are also with her. As soon as Seulgi saw what's happening she look at Yeri and they both run and join the hug.

"Assholes get off of me!!" Jisoo shouted but our friends just laugh at her.

"Lisa Manoban"

"Kang Seulgi"

"Kim Yerim"

"Yoo Jeongyeon!" another girl just entered making their hug broke and stand up straight like soldiers.

"Hi baby!" the four girls said, including the girl with a bunny teeth she's the girl at the club.

"Hi I am----"

"Im Nayeon, you're a famous model." the four of us said and she smile at us awkwardly.

"You are also the person whom Jeongyeon ask her number." the three standing like soldiers added.

"Uhm" Nayeon said still with her awkward smile.

"She's my girlfriend." Jeongyeon said making us her friends laugh at her.

"I won't believe that." Lisa said and scanned Nayeon's body.

"Too far from truth." Seulgi said also did what Lisa do.

"Uhuh" Jisoo said and look at me smiling, she walk towards me and kiss me and our child's cheek. While Yeri didn't said anything and walk towards Joy and Wendy.



Jennie and Irene said with their freaking stren voice.

"Our baby needs rest." Jisoo said and took the baby in my arms.

"Let's go" she whispered.

"I'll go with them." Wendy, Joy, Yeri and Jackson said and walk behind our back.

"Goodluck perverts." Wendy said and Yeri is the only one who laugh while I am trying so hard not my laughter to erupted.

As soon as we reach our baby's room we all laugh making Jin-Woo cry because of the noisiness.

Joohyun's Pov

"Enjoy what you see?" me and Jennie ask.

"I enjoy you more." Lisa said wit her teasing grin.

"I love you" she whispered when I let her hug me.

"You' are so beautiful and most beautiful when naked." she whispered and bite my neck.

"Whatever you say Lisa." I told and hug her back.

"Enough love birds but Nayeon is really my lover, right hun?" she ask looking at Nayeon.

"Yeah" Nayeon answered shortly.

"You're so lucky." Lisa and Seulgi said, this Lisa just wouldn't shut up.

"Can't stop yourself from looking at other girls?" I ask with a gritted teeth getting mad, I pinch her her ear.

"Ahhww Hyun, I'm only looking at---"

"I'm sorry!" Seulgi voice screams so much pain.

"Jennie please, it's onlyyyy ahhwww!" Seulgi pain is so visible at her voice.

"Hyun it's already getting more painful." Lisa said holding my hand.

"Fine" I said and help her stand out because she's already kneeling down because of the pinch. But I didn't get contented at her ear and slap her.

"Why?" she ask looking at me wide eyes.

"Look at her and---"

"I was just---sorry okay. I just can't believe." she told kissing my forehead to the top of my nose to my both cheeks, to my chin and finally to my lips.

"Yaaah!" Jeongyeon shouted back hugging Nayeon.


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