a true introduction

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flashback - 9 years ago, 2011, age - 10

you were in your room, playing a game of...blocks. it was weird but, it seemed cool. you heard your stomach growl and you sighed. you got up and exited your room, yawning.

you entered the kitchen and you opened the fridge. you grabbed something to eat and turned around to see your sister and...someone else in the living room. your sister smiled when she saw you and said, "wilbur! this is my sibling (y/n)!"

he said a hello and you mumbled one back before entering your room again. you didn't care about him, only the pixelated game in front of you. you continued running around the game, building.

current time - current year, 2020, age - 20

you blinked tiredly as your friends pestered you to get into the voice call with them. you were greeted with a very cheery voice and you lowered her volume. "helloooo (y/u)!" this was your friend Rory. a short childish girl who was just...a ball of sunshine. you didn't mind though but a calmer voice met your ears.

"Rory, please calm down. you're going to make them deaf." Kaz, she was more of the calmer, mom-like figure of the group. you appreciated that she cared about you and you were glad you met her. but you met her on twitter when you were very sleep-deprived. surprise, she stayed with you this whole time.

"yeah, you've already done it to me." another voice said, annoyed. Nyx. she was more of the, funny one of the group. always cracking jokes, singing, etc. etc. you liked them and you met them on build battle.

why did i join vc?

"we're auditioning for the minecraft championships as a viewer team and we were wondering if you wanted to join." Kaz said, clicking around on her desktop.

you stared at your screen and thought about it. you got your answer ready and typed,

sure, why not.

your ears were met with cheers and you groaned. you waited for them to explain how it would work. you finalized your plan and went into 2nd person view, seeing the front of your character. kaz started the recording and there was the starting voices.

timeskip - 4 days, age - 20

you stared at your screen. finally, editing was finished. you clicked on the button that you could identify as the start button.

"hello, we currently don't have a name, since we couldn't settle on one," Kaz scolded, "and we're auditioning for a viewer team."

they all said their names, their character getting their own little intro scene. sort of like a game you used to play, where it showed their name and what their good at. it finally got to you and a text box appeared with the said text reading, "and i'm (y/u)"

it cut to the next clip and a cheery voice was heard.

"hello! my name is Rory, I'm 18 years old, and i've been playing for 3 years! i'm really good at remembering things and parkour! i feel like i would be good at bingo, build mart, or parkour warrior! i'm probably a chaotic good, or at least thats what kaz calls me." she said, rambling on and on.

during her rambling, it showed her completing a parkour course easily. you remember building that for her.

it cut to a clip of Nyx. "well, Rory is like a ball of joy just stuffed into one human. she's the brightest, most uncontrollable person i know. she's just chaos most of the time."

it cut to Kaz standing in her cute little house she had built.

"hello, my name is Kaz and i'm 19 years old, the second oldest of our group. i've been playing for a year or two, not as long as the others, but i have the basics down, i'm better at PvP than two of three in our group. i'm mostly here to make sure Rory or Nyx don't do anything too bad, though i could be good in rocket spleef." the girl hummed.

during the talking, it cut to a clip of her and Rory fighting, Kaz winning the fight.

it soon cut to a clip of Rory. "oooh! Kaz is a lawful good! she will not do anything that breaks the code, even if it's really small! she's the mom of our group!"

the clip of your friend Nyx finally showed up. "hello, my name is Nyx and i'm 17 years old, the youngest of the group. i've been playing for around 5 years and i've gotten pretty good at it. my only talent is being able to think and act quickly in the spur of the moment. it could be helpful in hole in the wall." she said, her tone barely showing interest.

just like the others, it showed her being challenged by you, she had some materials and you randomly placed things, such as mobs or lava and she'd react quickly, killing the mob or putting out the lava.

it showed a clip of Kaz talking. "Nyx is more of our chaotic neutral. she's a mess and labeled as our funny one. she'd probably try and eat their own tongue if she was dared to or if she was being paid just a dollar."

finally, it was your turn. a text box appeared.

"hello, my name is (y/u) and i'm 20 years old. i've been playing for 10 years and i don't know what i'm good at. i'm here because Rory begged me to join VC and i don't know what i am"

you zoned out during the typing and soon you heard Nyx's voice snap you back to reality.

"y/u? they're more of a neutral character. nothing much. they're the best player i've ever met. anything and everything we know comes from them. the two words to describe them are "wild card". they don't try unless they want to, which may be a disadvantage." Nyx explained.

it finally cut back to you all standing there and punching the screen. it faded to black and the video stopped. you downloaded the video and uploaded it to youtube, soon closing all your chrome tabs.

you sighed and tried to fall asleep. you eventually did, not easily though. you knew you would still be tired but you didn't care.

timeskip - next morning, age - 20

you woke up and sighed. you checked your phone and you had about a thousand missed calls and discord notifications. you slipped out of bed and stretched. you sat down at your desk and entered the voice call, just to be met by screeching from Nyx and Rory, and yells from Kaz, telling them to calm down. you typed something into chat.

what happened?

"(Y/U)! (Y/N)! WE GOT IN!"

"...what?" you thought to yourself.




please enjoy this story, i wrote this during school and i'm so tired. this was just a starter chapter and i'm excited to write this story. i also formally apologize if any of the characters in this book is ooc. - grim

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