Why are we the ones...

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The students on the Yakushi high are murmuring , muttering what's going on outside while the 5 members of the Literature Club are seeing things that their classmates don't even see.....

Momoko and Kazusa are both in the same class. While they are doing their written reports, they heard the Loud BOOM outside that made them all wonder what it is. Sugawara went to the bathroom and was about to return to her classroom and heard that BoOM too while walking in the hallway. She felt some goosebumps and shoked her that made her curious, she looked outside the window and she also saw 'green-ish & red-ish crown like pollens' spreading around and there's a lot of them. As she view what's going on outside, she's witnessed what those things can do. There's a man walking on the street and he's talking with someone on his phone, she was freaked out on what she saw... "Mister! Cover your nose!!!" She almost jumped out on the window while the crown like pollens' entered the man's nose and also his mouth. She observed what will happen, the man stopped walking and stands there to wait for a bus or something after a few minutes later, he fell down on his knees. The people around him helped him and asked if he's okay. He was coughing and then he plops down on the side walk. The people didn't know what happened and called for ambulance. Sugawara can't move from what she's witnessed but she started covering her nose and mouth with her cloth and runs as fast as she can, not knowing where to go. As for Hongo who's on the roof top, she also had witnessed what those things can do. She went back inside and went to their club room and messaged on their "LClub freaks" group chat ...

Hongo: "Hey guys are you all seeing this?"
*Sent a photo*

Kazusa: "YES!!!😬"

Sonezaki: "positive"

Sugawara: "I know what those things can do"

Momoko: "What!?щ(゜ロ゜щ)"

Sonezaki: "I told the teacher what I can see but she thinks that I was like joking around"

While they are chatting, the principal had announced on the speakers ... "Hello, This is your principal, ALL STUDENTS THAT ARE LOOKING OUTSIDE WILL GO TO THE DETENTION RIGHT NOW!" Of course all of them go back to their seats. "Chairman of the class, uh make sure to keep an eye on your classmates, all Teachers, please proceed to the meeting room this instance, thank you"

The students started murmuring and the teachers followed what they need to do.

"Finish your reports today, I'll be going now". "Bye sensei" "Yes sensei good bye"

The students started chatting to each other and was like they have nothing to do but there are others who're doing their tasks.

Kazusa finished it already at her home so now she's very bothered why she and momoko are the only ones who can see those things. She looked back at momoko still finishing her report. Good things that the windows are closed because those things are trying to go inside their room. Her phone vibrates coz of a notif and saw Hongo chatted on their GC.

Hongo: "Those things, can kill us humans I guess"

Sonezaki: "Wait what!? How"

Sugawara: "Yes , I saw it too what it can do"
Sugawara: "it can enter through our nose's and mouths... After a few minutes or so, it could make us feel very hot , coughing too then dies on the spot if it didn't get some medication and medicine something"

Kazusa: "whoa whoa whoa!, now I'm terrified 😱 are you sure you're not joking or mistakenly seen it?"

Hongo: "No ,Kazusa san, I saw it too with my own bare 👀 eyes, I was on the roof top and saw anything"

After an hour have past ...(momoko finished her report too)

"It's now lunch break, you guys go on ahead, I think the teachers are having a long meeting" Their chairman said as the class starts moving and bringing out their bento's n snacks while others go outside to roam or buy something at the cafeteria. The weird things they saw outside too were gone and now the Literature Club members go to their club room.

"Oh, Hongo san, where's sonezaki senpai? " Kazusa asked. "I dunno, just wait for her" Hongo said while reading her book. Kazusa and momoko both take a seat and chats for a while, then Sugawara entered the club room. "Sorry, Im late, I need to pass the papers-" she looked around, "where's sonezaki san?"

"Don't know... But we'll wait for her", "ah, I see". The four of them started reading and doing what they want.

As for Sonezaki.....

She was about to go to the club room then there's her clumsy seatmate who had just accidentally splashed his orange juice on her, all over her face and uniform. "EEEKK!!! IM SORRY, IM SO SO SORRY SONEZAKI SAN! ARE YOU OKAY?" He asked. Of course, her classmates made fun of her. "I'm fine don't worry about it". Her seatmate kept on apologizing as she keeps on accepting his annoying apologies. she stood up and gets her pe uniform and goes to the bathroom to change. After shes done changing, she goes out to wash her face.

(In the anime, they have sink and mirror outside the bathroom just for washing hands and to look on your face °∆°))

"Sonezaki San!" She was startled when she heard her name being called by someone she knows. She was drying her face with a towel and turns around. It was Amagi, waving at her like he was her friend. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I'm just checking you out ahaha...." He said. Sonezaki didn't realize that she was spacing out, she was like looking or thinking rather, of something.


She was snapped out from what she's spacing out and thinking for and saw Amagi , who's benting over, staring at her deeply.
She blushed.('⊙ω⊙') "W-what...?" She backs away. Amagi stood straight and chuckles "I'm right!" Sonezaki still confused and blushing pfff "w---what? What are you saying?...why are you laughing at me?!" She changed her tone. "Well, You really are cute" he chuckles and smiles at her.

Someone that defends her from her harsh classmates and now showing his kindness or somewhat, interest towards her. In this time, many people outside the school are dying because of the thing they saw. They don't even know that the teachers have already died because of those things too.

What will happen to these 5 members of the Literature Club ,the ones who can only see those weird things after a BOOM outside was heard. Will they be able to find the cure for this disease or will seek and meet the one who can be their soulmate that will help them conquer what's happening?


Ok, end of chpt 2

Pfff cringe eww
Word count; 1163

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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