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A tired sigh escaped Seungmin's lips and he pushed his hair back in frustration. He just found out that another one of his friends had found their mate.  Seungmin was tired of waiting for his. Normally, everyone who turned eighteen would have been able to identify their mates by their signature scents.
It's been months since Seungmin came of age yet he still hasn't found the person he belonged to.  He remembered how excited he used to be when he would fantasise about having the perfect mate for himself. He wanted to be able to love someone with his whole heart for the rest of his life.
However, with the circumstances right now, he's barely convinced he will even find his mate.

His close friends Jisung and Felix found their mates the week they turned eighteen and they had been insanely happy, spending less and less time with him as they wanted to be around their mates Minho and Chan instead. Seungmin did feel more lonely now, that's why he truly was desperate to find someone. The way their friends were treated by their mates really wasn't helping his case either. Sometimes it even felt like they were purposely rubbing salt on his wound.
All Seungmin could do was to wait and see what would happen to him. He hasn't lost all hope in looking for a partner, he was sure he would find someone. He just had to be patient. What he didn't know was that his mate..
wasn't really like the others.

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