Chapter 33

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I decided to stay in my room a bit longer today because it was dead silent throughout the whole house and I didn't want to end up in an awkward situation, again.

I was about to turn on my favorite show, but someone barged into my room. Han walked through the door with a blanket wrapped around him, yet his eyes were still closed.

"Move Hyunjin," Han spoke as he laid on my bed. He's sleep walking? Wait, I thought he left last night.

"Um, I'm Y/N, and this is my room," I retorted, emphasizing the my.

His eyes fluttered open and quickly widened after realizing where he was. I laughed a bit watching him get freaked out. I stopped laughing, though, when I saw that he fell off the bed, due to fear.

"Are you okay?" I cleared my throat, trying so hard not to laugh. He nodded and immediately ran out of my room.

He shut the door softly before leaving, and I narrowed my eyes. If Han is still here, does that mean Hyunjin is too? If so, why are they still here?

I snuck into Haechan's room and saw him resting on his bed. I took a deep breath before walking up to him. Play it cool Y/N, just act normal.

"Haechan," I poked his chest and he opened one eye, "why are Han and Hyunjin still here, I thought they left last night."

He shot up from the bed and rubbed his eyes like a child. He's cute when he's tired.

"By the time they wanted to leave, it was already super late. So I just let them stay the night." He answered bluntly.

I pursued my lips and slowly nodded. He stood up and stretched out his body. I walked out of his room, so he could have his privacy back.

On the way back downstairs, I was looking down at my phone while walking, and bumped into someone's chest.

"Oi, I'm really sorry," I apologized. I didn't look up at the person, assuming it was just Johnny or one of the other boys.

"You're not gonna look me in my eyes when you apologize?" The voice questioned. I could hear the smirk forming on their face.

I looked up and immediately regretted it. Hyunjin was leaning down towards me, making our faces only a few inches apart.

I tried my best to stay calm, holding eye contact, "fine, I'm sorry Hyunjin for bumping into you."

He smiled sweetly and shrugged, "good enough. I accept your apology."

I pressed my lips together and walked around him. I could feel his eyes burning holes into my back.

"You know, I'm not gonna be here much longer," he yelled, "you should lend me your number."

I scoffed and kept walking down the stairs. If Haechan found out that his best friend, Hyunjin, was flirting with me, he'd be so pissed. I would keep out of it though, they ARE the ones fighting over me.



i actually planned on this book only being abt 30 chaps. long, but we're here now

im glad it's longer tho bc i love writing this story, and im gonna be so sad when it's over:')

as always, stay safe and i hope you enjoyed!! love you <33

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