Chapter 10

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Haechan POV

I watched her return her gaze back to the movie. I couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle. She's cute when she's nervous or embarrassed.


The movie ended, and we were all super sleepy, but wanted to stay up for Y/N since she seemed excited about watching her favorite movie.

I was about to stretch, when I realized that my arm was still around her. Oh well. That's when I felt a heavy object move on my shoulder. I looked down at my shoulder and saw Y/N sleeping. My heart started racing. Why am I feeling like this?

The rest of the boys were already heading upstairs towards their rooms, by now. Mark looked back and saw me, still, sitting on the couch.

"Dude, aren't you coming?" He whisper-yelled.

I didn't want to disturb her sleep, so I just shook my head and pointed her out to Mark. He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and winked at me before heading upstairs. Weirdo.

I admired her features for a moment before removing her head from my shoulder, and placing her so she was now laying on the sofa.

I can't just leave her out here by herself! What if she's scared of the dark, she won't have anyone to help her navigate her way through it. My mind was  racing with thoughts on what I should do. I finally came with an idea.

I carefully layed down beside her, so that I was facing her back. It didn't take me very long to get comfortable.

Before I closed my eyes, I, unconsciously, wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her body closer to mine. I'm assuming she didn't know it was me laying behind her, because, soon after, she turned around and faced my direction. She's till asleep.

My heart started racing again as she wrapped her arms around my neck and burrowed her face into my neck. I didn't know why I was freaking out so much. My mind began flooding with so many thoughts. Does she know that it's me, that's laying next to her? What if she does, and she's just trying to tease me?

After a few minutes of trying to calm down, it finally worked. My mind was clear and I decided to just endure this moment with Y/N. I ended up falling asleep feeling relaxed and safe within Y/N's embrace.



Update 2/2


I'm glad you all are enjoying!!
luv u my beauties!!❤️

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