Her House

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POV Jenny

'Teenagers scare the living SHIT outa me!'

'They could care less as long as someone


'So tuck in your clothes or strike a

violent post.'(singing out loud)

"Mmh mmmhhh!" I hear a muffle and take out my earbud.

"Ms. Jenny Gale!" She says furiously, " between you and Jack I have no idea of what im going to do to you." I put my hand over my mouth and try to keep from laughing.

"AH HA! I know detention. You too Jack!" And all I do is just wave it off and put my earbud back in. Then just as Centuries starts playing she grabs my wrist and drags me to the office with Jack in her other hand.

POV Jack

'She is sitting like an inch away from you don't do anything to screw it up.'

"So what were you laughing about?" I ask trying not to think about me being so close I could kiss her.

"I was laughing at her." She says with a smile, "She definitely thought you influenced me to be like you but I was already like this." She giggles out. And for some reason I can't help but blush.

"Sooooooo, what are you going to do after school." I freeze and think.

"Probably Video Games." I say unsure.

"Okay perfect. I want to hang out a little tonight before I have to go away on vacation for a couple days." She says with a smile plastered on her face. But I saw how fake it was. But I saw it as nothing.

"Okay." I say a little worried.

"Okay. My place then. After detention, of course."

POV Jack

As she slides in the key into the door I can literally feel myself jumping up and down on the inside. 'Click' When she opens the door I see she lives in a really good size apartment.

"Where are you parents?" I ask a little confused.

"Uh I kinda sorta live by myself." She says kind of sad. "My parents are always away on buisness so I got my own place." As she says this she turns on her Xbox and throws her stuff in her room.

"Bathroom over there and that's my room. Be right back, I need to change." And she goes to her room and shuts the door. "Hey Jack turn on Skyrim please!" She yells through the door.

"Okay!" I put in the Skyrim disk and wait for it to load. 'Don't freak out but she is pretty much in the other room naked. Just Breath okay you can do this' I say to myself. Like literally as I am done saying that she walks out on small black shorts, a Skyrim t-shirt, and her red scarf?

"Can I ask you something?" I ask. She turns around and I see a banana in her mouth.

"Shhuur. Whaat?" I laugh and see her laugh back.

"What's up with you and that scarf?" I ask sorta concerned. And she rubs her neck and swallows her banana.

"Uh it kinda covers a sorta embarrassing birth mark." She says with a weird look an her face. It looks like she's ate a lemon.

"Can I ... see it?" I ask almost thinking I shouldn't have. But she nods. As she pulls down the scarf I see a symbol on the left side of her neck. It kind of looks like an eagle under a moon in a circle. And then I suddenly realize what it is.

"Is that!? No! It couldn't be!?" I say in shock. "Its a Nightingale symbol from Skyrim!!"

"Yeah I kinda need to tell you something. That's kind of why I invited you over." She starts to say with a little hesitation. "I really like you..." but then I interrupted her, and guess what I said,

"Yeeesssssssss!! I like you too I have been wanting to say that for like forever!!"

"Hold up! Really!? Oh thank Talos!" I could not help but laugh at that remark.

"Okay now here comes the serious part. I really asked you over if you could help me." She says with hesatation. "I need you to come to Skyrim with me and save my parents." She says really slow.

"Huh!?" I say really confused. She nods.

"Yeah I should not have told you. But the reason I chose you to tell is because your my soulmate. You were chosen for me and I was chosen for you." As she said that my heart litteraly skipped a beat, but back on topic.

"How do you know?" I ask curiously about what she's gonna say next.

"Look at your neck on the right side." She hands me a mirror and I do as she says and the same mark is there.

"That was not there before!"

"Yea once I showed up in this world it showed up on your neck."

"When did you show up?"

"Remember that shiny thing. Well its the portal to here and I showed up when you saw it shining." She looks relieved now "oh yea and we are kind of the next gen of leaders for the Nightengales also. Yaay." She says a little awkwardly.

And all I can think is how awesome and confusing this is at the same time. I mean I understand the whole Skyrim part of it but the rest is truly unbelievable. I mean SOULMATES!!

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