Chapter One

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Selene stared out the window of her chambers, watching light glint off the waves of Artmesia lake. She was worried about what tomorrow would bring. Her ship was scheduled to leave for the Eastern Commonwealth at 10:00. The plan was to use the antidote for their Letumosis Plague--a biological weapon created by the Lunar government--as a bargaining chip into a marriage alliance.

There was a knock at the door and she almost didn't notice it. "You may enter."

A young servant girl entered the room carrying a stack of boxes. The girl must have been new because Selene didn't think she had ever seen her before. She had a petite frame and was no older than the queen herself. "Your Majesty." She bowed despite the boxes in her arms.

"Here let me take those off your hands." Selene got up and took the large items, setting them on the bench at the foot of her bed. "What's your name?"

"Terriana, Your Majesty."

She smiled gently at the fragile and innocent girl. "Would you please help me dress for the ball, Terri? You don't mind if I call you Terri do you? Or perhaps I could call you Ana? Which do you prefer?"

"You may call me whatever pleases you, Your Majesty." Terriana said as she made her way to the boxes, unpacking the lavish gown, shoes, and necklace.

"But I wish to know what pleases you."

"Terria, please." The girl seemed to be warming up to her. No doubt she had heard the rumors of the ruthless queen. However, that was far from the truth. The ruthless one was the princess, Levana, Selene's aunt.

"And please call me Selene when we are in private. No need for formalities here."

"Yes, Your--Selene."

"Right. Well, let's get dressed for this grueling ball now, shall we?"

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Selene was admittedly bored out of her mind as she watched nobles swirl around the ballroom. She sat in her throne, watching them from within her uncomfortably tight red satin dress. At the top were mirror-like pieces that made light shimmer around the room at even her slightest movement. It flared out at her knees creating a train behind her when she walked. But she wasn't doing very much walking due to her silver, diamond encrusted heels. Her hair was curled and pinned up elegantly, but left a few small locks dangling.

To her left sat Levana in an exceedingly showy, black lace dress. On her right was Levava's stepdaughter, Winter, who donned a flowy ivory dress that contrasted beautifully with her ebony skin.

A servant came their way with a tray of differently colored drinks. The women at her sides politely waited for their queen to choose first. Selene immediately picked up champagne glass with a blue liquid, recognizing it as one of her favorites...blueberry. Levana picked up a yellow one: honey. And Winter took a red one: apple.

A man, around early twenties, came up to them and bowed. "Your Majesty, if I may, may I ask for you to be my partner in the next dance?"

Selene frowned. She hated dancing, mostly because she had always been terrible at it. She accepted regardless.

They made their way to the floor, and thankfully he was an excellent dancer, flawlessly leading her around the room while making polite small talk.

"I must say, you are the best dancer I've ever had the pleasure of dancing with. But you still have yet to tell me your name."

"My apologies, Your Majesty. Lord Edward, of the Middle Ring." He bowed his head with an amused expression.

"And what do you appear to find so entertaining?" She attempted to sound threatening but by the grin that spread across his face she knew she was unsuccessful.

"Please don't take offense, but you were not quite what I was expecting, Your Majesty."

"I get that often. And call me Selene, the 'Your Majesty' gets exhausting after a while." She explained.

He smirked, green eyes dazzling. "Only if you call me Edward."

She let out a small laugh. They carried on throughout the night as if they were old friends. Which was unusual, she didn't normally get so easily attached to nobles. She allowed him to help her dance her worries away.

Of course when she was having one of the greatest times, maybe of her life, she remembered anyway. The worries she hadn't thought of for the entire night came crawling back into her mind. She stumbled, accidentally stepping hardly on Edward's foot.

They both gasped; him in pain, her in shock. She noticed a few couples glance their way.

"Aces I'm terribly sorry!" Selene quickly apologized.

He chuckled through the pain. "The fault is mine, I should have been paying more attention."

"No, really, I'm sorry."

"Trust me, Selene, it's alright." He whispered as they began dancing again.

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