Chapter Two

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Selene waved farewell to Levana as their ship took off, Winter at her side. Selene was glad she was able to convince Winter into coming...not like it took very much. The only thing she had to do was make sure Jacin Clay could come along with them.

She had known Jacin since they were children, and knew Winter was close with him. It didn't take much to convince him to come along.

The small ship leveled off. After eating light snack, she decided to go to her room for the rest of of the trip. She walked down the silver hallway, her door sliding open for her to enter.

Selene sat on the side of her large bed, running her fingers across the satin fabric. She sighed and laid down. Her eyes closed into a dreamless sleep.

She woke to Winter lightly tapping on her shoulder. "We're landing in half an hour."

"Thank you." She stood up and walked to the closet. "Help me dress?" Terria had also come along but Selene didn't feel the need to bother the girl right then.

Winter smiled.

They landed just on time. She stepped out of the ship, descending the hot metal staircase.

The sun smoldered on the pavement. Selene could see the heat waves rising from it and soaking into her skin as she made her way to the prince. Why she wore a long black dress, she didn't know.

"Your Highness," Selene nodded, holding her hand out to him.

The prince was younger than she imagined, no older than twenty at the very least. He was tall and lean. His jet black hair was down neatly. His copper-brown eyes boring into her with hatred. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness that. He already seemed to have so much distaste for her.

"Your Majesty."

"I'm truly sorry for the loss of your father." She stuck to formalities, well aware that the recently deceased emperor would be a sore subject for the young prince.

He nodded, anger clearly showing behind in his eyes. "Thank you for your kindness."

"Let's not stand in the blistering sun all day," A man Selene presumed was Kaito's adviser said. "I'm sure you've had a long trip, Your Majesty, I'll have servants show you to your suite in the palace and we will have the treaty meeting tomorrow afternoon, to give you time to settle in."

Perfect. Waiting until the next day would give Selene time to plan out how to manipulate him into the marriage alliance properly--not that she wanted to, she was forced to by Levana. Her aunt wanted to make sure that all the planning her, Channary, and the Lunar scientists went through wasn't put to waste, therefore not allowing the Selene to have an choice in the matter.

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The next morning, the young queen decided she wanted to explore the gardens. "Terria, would you accompany Princess Winter and I on our stroll?" Selene asked in a way that would allow the brunette with electric blue eyes to deny her request. Unsurprisingly, Terriana agreed, most likely still afraid to anger her queen.

The three women gracefully made their way outside while generating small talk. Winter was at Selene's side and Terria followed silently behind. They roamed through bushes of roses and daffodils for a while until she decided to address the servant again.

"How old are you Terria?"

The innocent girl answered quietly, "I turned fifteen in July, Your Majesty."

She was only a year and a half younger than Selene herself! She couldn't help but pity the girl. Reaching back, she lightly grabbed Terria by her elbow and pulled her forward so that she was walking in line with Winter and herself.

Winter giggled at the girl's petrified expression. "She doesn't bite, I promise."

"She's correct, I don't." She smiled, "I despise having conversations and not being able to look at the other person in the eyes. We're all people, formalities be damned!" Selene realized she was speaking loudly and quieted down. "How long have you been working in the palace?"

"Not very long, a week maybe?" Terriana must have been inspired to ease up after Selene's little speech because she spoke with a minuscule amount of confidence, leaving out the proper "Your Majesty" that she almost always addressed her with.

"That's strange," the Princess noted.


Selene spoke up before Winter, "Usually servants are taken before puberty unless parents are in debt or have committed a crime." She quickly took notice of the tears Terriana was trying to hide.

The trio stopped to sit on a stone bench overlooking a koi pond surrounded bushes of flowers. "What happened, Terri?" Selene encouraged, Why aren't you with your family?"

As the servant girl allowed her tears to fall, Winter embraced her.

"My... my father and I were caught stealing food for our family." She was hesitant to admit her crimes, but did so any way. "He, my mother, and older brother all work in the mines, but even with their three incomes, it's not enough to support a family of seven." 

Selene was confused. Three incomes from the mines, even low ones, should have been enough to support a large family. That is... unless her advisers weren't telling the truth about the outer circles' economics.

"What sector is your family from?"

"We're in RM-5. We didn't want to do it, Your Maj--Selene--but my parents, brother, and I had already given all our food to the three youngest, practically starving ourselves. But then that food ran out and the little ones were hungry and we had to do something."

The poor girl's sobs had calmed a little, but her cheeks were red and wet with tears. 

"I understand, and I do not blame you for wanting to help yourself and your family. But I am confused that you have this problem when living in the middle sector. Usually these issues only arise in the outer sectors."

Selene and winter shared identical looks of confusion.

Terriana sniffled, "I've known many people similar problems."

All three heard the treads of an android approaching. 

"I promise to do what I can to help your family, Terria. I will get to the bottom of whatever is wrong here. I have a feeling my government has been keeping things from me and I will not tolerate it for much longer."

The android wheeled to a stop in front of them. "Your Majesty Queen Selene, Emperor Kaito is currently available and would like to pre-discuss the Treaty of Bremen."

"Right." Selene sat up and brushed off her dress. She patted Terria's folded hands gently, "I'll see the two of you at dinner."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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