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"you got mehookedon the feeling"

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"you got me
on the feeling"

"you got mehookedon the feeling"

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time: 5:23 am
~Y/N's POV~

It was 5:23 am. I was getting ready to go to the shit hole that is school. Luckily I get good grades without having to try really. Sooner or later i'll stop giving a fuck and become a burnt out gifted kid.

As I was doing my hair and makeup I hear my phone start buzzing.


who the fuck is this

come on baby don't tell
me you forgot about

Then it hit me on who was texting me.

suna how'd you get
my number ?

y/n changed contact name to
My drug🖤

My drug🖤
maybe I asked Ru maybe I
saw it in ur phone idk

ofc you would but wanna
meet before school and roll up?

My drug🖤
bet i'll meet u at the park
in 10 baby

I felt butterflies in my stomach when I saw he called me baby. So what i'm smiling like a dumbass. Ever since I met Suna I crave him everyday. His smell, his touch even if it's the tiniest thing, his voice and just everything. Ive never felt so addicted to someone this quick. It's been two almost three weeks since I met him.

What's so different about this guy that has me so addicted. He was like a drug I couldn't get enough of

I get my backpack putting everything inside of it and head out the door. Once I stepped outside the cold air of winter hit my skin. This time of year it looked beautiful.

A generous amount of snow covered the streets since it had snowed last night. The trees had a layer of snow covering whatever leaves were left. The sky was in a state of clear blue, a few clouds here and there, while the sun shined.

I start walking down the street to the park since I can't ride my skateboard. Once I get there I clean the snow off of the swings.

Soon I feel arms wrapped around my waist and a head laying on my shoulder.

"Hey baby" Suna said in my ear. I could feel his breath on my ear.

"Suna my drug" I said smiling.

He looked up at me with confusion, which was to be expected. I just give him another smile before he goes in sits in the swing next to me. We get our stuff out and start smoking.

With him this was amazing it was great. We sat there smoking our blunts together. Him telling me how the team has had there dumbass moments. How he really enjoys being on the team because they were like a family to him.

Seeing him talk about the things that made him happy made me smile inside. This boy really does have an affect on me as much as I hate to admit it.

"Sunaaaaa" I say dragging out his name to get his attention

"Yes princess" he said taking a hit.

"We gotta go there's still morning practice" I say staying to walk away leaving him behind.

Sorry for the short chapter it's kinda a filler since I realize I do a lot of time skips without doing something small in between but i'm on christmas break so imma try to update as much as I can! thank u to everyone who reads this book <3

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Sorry for the short chapter it's kinda a filler since I realize I do a lot of time skips without doing something small in between but i'm on christmas break so imma try to update as much as I can! thank u to everyone who reads this book <3

haha random side note I was high as shit writing this:)

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