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Dean's ex-boyfriend pov

I sat on the bed and i started rubbing the tip of his dick i kissed his forehead and moved down to kiss his lips

it felt pretty good to make Dean fall out and then strip him down and handcuff him to the bed.

I pulled my pants down and i spreaded Dean's legs and i slammed into him i started fucking him but then 5 min later i stopped and looked at his watch to look at his breathing percentage and it was 15 percent It sounds good to me

I started to fuck him again and Dean started to move his head and his arms but then he realized he was handcuffed to the bed.

"WTF IS YOU DOING-" he started to say but i hushed him and i kept on fucking him.

He started to moan but I hushed him by chocking I wanted him to fall out again.

10 minutes later he fell out again i looked at his watch and his breath percentage was 0%.

"Great now i can continue, I started to fuck him again and he came on his stomach

about 3 minutes later i came inside him that was the best. i never had this experience with dean after i cleaned us up i put Dean's pajamas on

he was still handcuffed to the bed i looked at his watch and it still says 0% i put my hand on dean's neck i did not feel a pulse. I rushed dean to the hospital they told me to wait in the waiting room.

the lady came back and said that he ran out of breath but he will recover she said that they will keep him for the rest of this week

I regret everything i did i went back to Dean's house and sat on the couch and I started to cry what am i going to do

Dean's boyfriend came over and he asked for dean and i told him where dean was i feel terrible

Seth pov

I rushed to the hospital, i asked what was dean room number she said room 528

I looked through the window and i seen dean was sleeping

i asked his doctor what happened she said that someone was choking him and he ran out of breath

I knew exactly who was choking him

I went into the room and i went by dean bed and kissed his forehead

He woke up 15 minutes later

he looked at me and I seen a smile creep on his face

"hey baby are you ok." i ask him with a concerned voice

"yeah im fine." he said while coughing

He looked at his watch, I dont know why

"Damn it." he said while still looking at his watch

"what is it?." i asked with a curious tone

I got 13% of breath he said while trying to catch his breath.

The doctor came in

"Im glad that your awake Mr. Ambrose." the doctor said. her name tag says Dr. Natalya

"can you remember what happened before you fell out." Dr. Natalya said and I immediately looked at dean

"Yeah so I was telling My ex-boyfriend about my New boyfriend He's right there." he said and the doctor waved at me and she looked back at dean

"And that's when he got mad and he started choking me and i fell on the floor he continued to choke me then that's when i fell out.

I woke back up and i found myself handcuffed to the bed And he started choking me again and i fell out again then when i woke up i found myself to be here i guess he took me here." He said while looking terrified.

"Ok can you tell me where this Ex-boyfriend of yours is so i can get him arrested." The doctor said while looking dead serious.

"yes he is at my house." dean said with a proud smile on his face

"ok i will send the police there, i will let you know when they arrest him ok." the doctor said while leaving

"baby im so happy your awake i thought was gonna lose you." I said with tears forming my eyes

"Your not going to lose me And i want you to know that." he said while looking at me

"Well Aleast I can do this." i said while getting up so i can kiss him on the lips

The Doctor came in and asked dean if he can look at his watch.

He looked at it and he started smiling and so did the doctor

"It is at 100%." dean said with a wide smile on his face

"that is good Now you can go home We dont have to keep you for a week which is great." Dr. Natalya said

"Thank you." i said to the doctor smiling

She waved and left

"Babe im so proud of you." I said as he sat up on the end of the bed

"NOOO DEAN WAIT." the doctor said running with other doctors when i looked back at dean he was on the floor.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON." i say while yelling

"you have to go to the waiting room." The doctor said.

i went to the waiting room and i waited for a good 2 hours the lady came out and said that Dean breath percentage was going down and it started to go back down to 0% but she said i can see him again.

I ran straight to his room and i went inside to see dean sleeping.

"Im so sorry I let this happen to you i did not know that this was going to happen to you Baby i just want you to know i love you." i said while kissing his forehead

He woke up coughing and he looked at me with a confused look on his face

"who are you?." Dean asked me and I was so confused

the doctor came in

"Dean dont know who i am what happened to him?." i asked with tears in my eyes

"He lost 3% of his memory so that means that he will not know who you are if you dont tell him." the doctor said

"Can he recover from it." i asked with a curious tone

"Yes Mr. Rollins he will recover Matter of fact i think he will get his memory back tomorrow at 5:00 pm." the doctor said while looking up from her papers.

She left and i cried so hard

I calmed my self down I kissed Dean on the forehead and I left to go to his house to give this bitch a piece of my mind

30 min later

i knocked the door hella hard Dean's ex-boyfriend answered the door and i punched him in the face immediately.



what you think Dean ex-boyfriend gonna say.......

I loved you when i met you / ambrollins *book 1*Where stories live. Discover now