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Sunoo didn't have a pleasant sleep. Not one bit. The moment he was done studying for a quiz he will take today, his mother continuously let out battle cries that pulsated throughout the house, it even reached to his room enclosed in chunky walls, those bulky, thick walls his mother's raw voice can penetrate to. This proves that those men that promised a strong wall are obviously making up those in order for this to be purchased right away. Shameful really.

Sunoo barely made it passed the  conjugation lesson page, page 189 to be exact. So far he was already five pages in to the lesson and all this was the coverage for the test.

Though, he managed to skim through the important details and got ready for the day. He took a quick shower and threw himself in his uniform. By the floor mirror,  he primped himself to enhance his exterior appearance. From the cute long sleeve shirt and the blue and white checkered tie down to his jet black pants and leather shoes. Of course, he wanted to look best everyday, everytime.

To show those bundle of mistakes that bullied him that he's prettier than their personalities will ever be.

Unlike Jaebeom, Sunoo didn't really mind their harsh words. Yes, he grew annoyed but he knows one day, he'll get back at them for sure, guaranteed.

Breakfast was already on the table by the time Sunoo came down with his bag. His mother was by the window, chatting with her friend again about the competition two days from now. She was more exhilarated today, and the soothing dawn that peeked through the windows made it better, and the voluptuous crimson velvet curtains that when you bring them together at one point, the living room would dim, were neatly folded by the sides.

Sunoo figured she ate her breakfast already. "Good morning, mom." Sunoo smiled in which his mother returned happily and sent him a blow kiss.

He pretended to catch that and touched his chest, giggling. Sunoo eventually finished his breakfast and put his dishes on the sink.

"Two days from now, huh?" Sunoo's gaze directed at the mother who just finished chatting with her friend. She perked up at what the younger said. "Yep! Is beomie and his mom will come?"

Sunoo frowned and shook his head. "No, sadly. It'll just be us then."

Sunoo went over to the couch and plopped beside her, leaning on her shoulder. "Aw, that's a bit dissapointing. But that's okay, at least it'll be us then." Her mother pulled him close and showered him with kisses and tickles in which Sunoo tried to pry away from jokingly. Thanks to his mom, his morning became even better than it is.


Sunoo felt a scrunched up paper logged at the back of his head followed with faint laughter and giggles shooting up from behind. Jaebeom looked over his shoulder and shot the owners of the paper a glare, but it merely did nothing but send them deep into a laughing fit.

They were on their way to the school cafeteria as the clock striked twelve. Sunoo waited two hours for this, and he planned to get a delicious bowl of soup and rice, which is usually what he buys.

"You won't believe what happened last night." Jaebeom spoke, lifting up the grey tray for the lunch woman to put his food on. Sunoo lend him his ear as he reached for the carton milk.

"So like." Jaebeom started off, walking towards a vacant table just a few steps away from where they stood. They took a seat, across from each other. "There was this man that accidentally came into our house since he thought it was his."

Sunoo stabbed the carton with a straw and sipped it, eyeing the boy parallel on him. He seemed interested.

"And my dad was trying to drive him out but the man refused."

"And then?" Sunoo raised a brow.

"Then they ended up in a huge fight.  It was intense!" Jaebeom made exaggerated gestures as he spoke, which sent Sunoo into a giggling fit. "Oh, I should've been there to watch it."

"If only I foresaw that moment, I would've made popcorn. It was such a scene and maybe secretly invited you. Good thing in the end, the man realized what he's doing and apologized. Imagine being THAT man."

"Ugh, like no."

Jaebeom and Sunoo laughed.

"So, two days."

"Two days until I turn deaf."

"Shut up Sunoo!"  Jaebeom hovered over the table to gently slap the boy on the shoulder. "Glad your mom isn't here to hear that."

Sunoo's mom hated this sarcastic trait of Sunoo. Apparently, he got that from his father. Sunoo leaned on the chair and folded his arms, licking his lower lip.


The rest of the day in school went by in a blur. Pretty much, Sunoo happened to take the test supposedly for next week just today, although it was sudden, he didn't mind. The sooner it was done, there was nothing to worry about later. Break was approaching fast, and that at some point in the week, the school would get suspended due to the harsh winter. Which is reasonable that they were somehow rushing everything to be done before the 13th.

It was the 10th today. Meaning on 12th is where he'll be attending the contest with his avid fan mother.

He was already chatting with Jaebeom when he came to an abrupt stop when he happened to cross paths with the group of boys clad in the same uniform as theirs.

Jaebeom's eyes dilated.


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