Our Beach

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Jesse and Katy have been together for 8months. They know each other like the bak of their hand.

The two girls meet at the beach. Jesse had just moved into a condo across the seaside and Katy had lived in the condo two blocks down her whole life.

Jesse had ran out of the condo, sick of unpacking. She was claustrophobic from all the boxes surrounding her and she needed to get out.

Katy was on her way to the hair dresser to dye her half pink, half white hair a different color. She had decided on Christina Aguilera blonde when a brunette bumped into her with so much force she fell to the ground. She looked up to meet frantic brown eyes and all thoughts of "cussing the bitch that just fucking knocked me to the ground" faded. She knew something was wrong with the skinny girl and she felt the need to take care of her.

"Are you okay?" They both asked at the same time. Katy chuckled and lifted herself up. "I'm fine but are you?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be okay?" Jesse asked.

"You have this frantic look on your face."

Jesse frowned.

"C'mon, why don't I take you to the hair dresser? They have a massage therapist in there so you can get one and I'll pay while I'm getting my hair done." Katy smiled and took Jesse's hand.

Jesse didn't argue.

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