My Old House

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      We both got up around 11:30a.m. and Hardin had made us both breakfast. He made omelets, hash browns, and orange juice. We both got done with our food and went up to his room to change for the day. He had washed my clothes so he gave them back to me to change into. We had plans to go have dinner at a restaurant and go shopping because I kinda needed new clothes anyway.

      "So are you ready to take on the day?" He asked me while fixing his hair.

      "Yes I am, fart nugget. I really need new clothes." I said with a little smile when I said the pet name I gave him.

      "Well good. I bet you was. You're such an outgoing person Hayhay. I love that about you." He said to me and I smiled at the pet name he gave me just then.

      "Did we just give each other pet names?" I asked still smiling and walking to him.

      "I think we did, Hayhay." He said grinning from ear to ear.

      "Fart nugget." I said before I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I really didn't know what he would think of it but to me its just a friendly kiss. Unless... No Hayley you can't be thinking that stuff.

      We finish getting ready and we start to walk out of the building when I asked him,"Hey Hardin, umm did I tell you that you have such pretty eyes?"

      "Well did I ever tell you that you drive me crazy?" He says walking over to me and picking me up and kissing me on the lips this time.

      "Ahh was that our first kiss, Hayhay?" He asked still calling me his pet name he gave me.

      "Umm...I dont know should that have been our first kiss because I think we should do that again...maybe more passionate and make it last longer, yeah?" I say to him in a bit of question.

      He starts walking closer to me and puts his hands in a postition so they cuff my face and I stand on my tip toes and we kiss. He tastes so sweet. It's probably his toothpaste lol. It sure is lasting longer and it feels more passionate too. He's a really good kisser:) We let go from each other and he asks me,"Is that more like it?"

      "Yes it is...toothpaste bunny." I say giving him a another little pet name because of the kiss.

      "Okay thats good. And what? Could you taste my toothpaste?" He asks with a questioning look.

      "Yes I could but that was probably one of the best parts about the kiss." I kissed him one more time before both of us leave to go to town.

      We finally make it to the shops and we both start walking to the first one which I pick is Forever 21. I picked out some outfits and a necklace too. I got done in there and went to the next store and the next after that. It finally got to be 2:45p.m. and Hardin wanted to go in one of his stores so I went with him to his store which was H&M. He picked out some things while I looked around. We walk out and he suddenly gets a call from his mom. I let him take it and he answers.

      I walk away to make it seem more private so i'm not invading the call. When he's done he comes to me and asks," Hey would you be willing to come to my old house with me, Hayhay?"

       "Umm...sure how far away is it? And are you sure?" I ask kind of freaking out but shocked at the same time.

      "Umm well if we leave now we can be there sometime before midnight. And yes i'm 100% sure. I want you to come. And my mum does too." He says with puppy eyes and a smile. I give in and say yes.

      We get to the house around 9-ish and we meet his mom at their new house, well her new house basically. When we had made it to her house we rang the door bell and she had let us in.

      "Hey darling, how are are sweetie?" She asked Hardin.

      "I'm doing well. It seems you are too. Umm, this is my friend, Hayley." He introduced me to his mum so casually.

       "Hi Hayley. You are so beautiful and how are you?" She asked being so kind.

       "I'm doing great. And look at you, you're the beautiful one here." I said wanting to compliment her as well because she was really beautiful. She looks like she hasn't aged a bit.

      "Well thank you sweetheart." She said to me while giving me a hug.

      A few minutes pass and we are on our way to Hardin's old house. I wonder what's going on. Could it be, Hayley? You're stunning prince charming that is right beside you going to ask you to be his girlfriend...or no merry you." What??!!! Why am I thinking this??!! Why!!??? He is just my friend. And i'm still mad at him from what happened at the party but I'm getting over it more everyday.

      We pull up at the house and it looks old but not too bad. I think it has a nice touch to it. We walk up to the front part of it and Hardin reaches for my hand and I take it. Ahhh!! Am I right??!! He's going to do it!! What noo!! Get out of my head. I don't even know why we are here so for all I know he could be planning to kill me. You never know. But he's too kind to do that. Right?

      "Hey, hey...Hayley are you listening to me?" Ohh I was caught in my head, gosh. Okay I need to reply.

      "Yeah, yeah...what is it?" I say looking down and looking at the surrounding room and scenery. It looks like this was his room I think while walking around. His room has changed compared to his room now.

      "Ahhah, I found it!" He said,  sounding happy. I look at what he was talking about and in his hands was a computer and a notebook on top of it. Why was he needing that???

      "Why were you needing that? Is it like personal? Because if it is I am sorry for asking that." I ask thinking I must have embarrassed myself.

      "No, no, no Hayley. You're totally fine, love. I have been wanting this and haven't had the time to come get it until today. And thats why my mom had called me to remind me. I wanted this back because you know old childhood memories and other stuff." He said while smiling.

      "Ohh, so that explains it, okay. I get it now." I reply to him.

      "Oh and they are searching the house tomorrow, the police are for some reason so that's why I wanted to get this before they take it away from me because it was mine." He said to me really casually.

      "Ohh, well why won't they tell you why they are searching the house it was your house you should have half the right to know atleast!?" I ask.

      "Because my childhood, I didn't have a good one. And when my dad died everything changed and recently the police has been wanting to search the house to see if there are any signs for why he did die because nobody knows why or how he died." He said starting to get tears in his eyes so I go over and hug him.

      "Oh come here, I'm so sorry. I want you to know that you can trust me and you can tell me anything I am always going to be  here for you....even if we've just met." We both laugh at that. And we stay in silence while sitting on his bed and hugging each other.

      "Thanks. It really means alot, Hayhay. I'll remember that." He said and kissed me.

      This kiss felt so right and it was done at the right time too. It felt lonely and sad but wanting to be fixed. We let go of each other and walked back out and started driving back to his mums house. We decided to stay here tonight and get an early flight back home tomorrow. We both slept in a spare bed in a room together. And fell asleep right after we said goodnight to eachother.


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