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*At the bank*
Upon entering the goblin run building, I notice the absence of people. Wondering what's wrong, I go up to the teller and ask what's been going on.
"Excuse me, but do you think l that you could in form me of what's been going on? Why is it so empty?"
"The reason for the lack of customers is simple, he who must not be named has returned."
  My confusion must have shown because the teller decided to inform me of everything.
"Here, it's a book with everything that you've missed."
"I- thank you master teller." I say with a slight bow.
"I was wondering if I could get an abilities test and perhaps an inheritance test as well?"
The question obviously catches him off guard, but he quickly composes himself."of course, right this way." He says, leading me to an office.
Knocking, he lets me in after the goblin, Silverclaw, if the name on the door is correct, allows us to enter.
"Good afternoon, master Silverclaw."
"Good afternoon miss...."
"Sancour, Nathalie Sancour."
The goblin looks at me in shock, which he is quick to hide.
"I was wondering if it was at all possible for me to get an abilities and an inheritance test done?"
"It is entirely possible for us to do that for you, with a price of course."
"That is entirely possible."
"Very well then, just put three drops of blood on these pieces of parchment, three drops each."

There you goooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you all like it and see you soon!!!!!!!!! Love u alllll!!!!!!

Harry SancourWhere stories live. Discover now